FORMATO: Mantense tanto a duración do exame (1 hora 30 minutos) como o formato de dúas opcións A e B, das que o alumno elixirá exclusivamente unha. Cada opción terá un texto distinto que pode diferir do outro en temática e tipoloxía (diálogo, narración, descrición, ensaio, historia curta etc.).
O exame consta de dúas partes diferenciadas:
1ª parte: 6 preguntas de comprensión, expresión e pronunciación cunha puntuación total de 8,5 puntos
2ª parte: audición, cunha puntuación total de 1,5 puntos A proba de audición é única para ambas opcións e farase unha vez transcorridos 45 minutos dende o comezo do exame.
A rúbrica da introdución é a seguinte: “Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English."
A primeira parte do exame consta de seis preguntas e terá un valor total de 8,5 puntos. O valor de cada pregunta e as súas características específicas indícanse a continuación:
Question 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words (approximately 50 words, 1 point) Mantense exactamente igual que no modelo anterior. Esta pregunta pretende comprobar a comprensión xeral do texto por parte do alumnado, así como a súa capacidade para resumir as ideas principais, sen entrar en detalles nin anécdotas particulares. Polo tanto, pídeselle que resuma o que leu en aproximadamente 50 palabras que non han de ser extraídas literalmente do texto, senón froito dá súa propia expresión. Esta pregunta será puntuada segundo os seguintes criterios:
O alumno identificou as ideas principais do texto e resumiunas sen incluír información secundaria ou anecdótica (de 0 a 0.50 puntos).
O alumno expresou estas ideas en aproximadamente 50 palabras, sen copiar literalmente do texto, con coherencia, claridade, cohesión, razoable corrección gramatical e léxico axeitado ao tema (de 0 a 0.50 puntos).
Question 2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) Nova pregunta que incide sobre a comprensión de cuestións concretas do texto. Consta de catro apartados cunha puntuación de 0,25 cada un. O alumno terá que decidir si a información exposta en cada apartado é verdadeira ou falsa e indicar a parte concreta do texto que xustifica a súa resposta. Se non se xustifica a resposta, a puntuación será de 0.
Question 3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here (1 point; 0.25 each) Esta pregunta é exactamente igual á pregunta 2 do modelo anterior. Catro apartados (0,25 cada uno). Trátase de que o alumnado busque palabras ou grupos de palabras no texto que correspondan no seu significado a unha palabra ou definición dada no exame. As palabras preséntanse no mesmo orde en que aparecen no texto. Dado o carácter inevitablemente aleatorio desta pregunta, recoméndase que o profesorado traballe co seu alumnado a capacidade de inferir o significado das palabras a partir do contexto no que aparecen.
Question 4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each) Nova pregunta que incide na pronunciación. Catro apartados (0,25 cada uno). Á formulación da pregunta pode facerse de distintos xeitos, tal e como se mostra no modelo orientativo de exame. Buscase que o alumno sexa capaz de identificar como se pronuncia unha determinada palabra ou unha parte dela. As palabras utilizadas na pregunta non teñen que estar sacadas do texto necesariamente. Normalmente incluiranse na formulación da pregunta os símbolos fonéticos do IPA ca intención de que poidan servir de axuda para o alumno; en ningún caso será necesario coñecer estes símbolos, ou saber facer transcricións fonéticas para poder contestar correctamente á pregunta.
Question 5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the word in brackets and/or the expression given, making the necessary changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each). Esta pregunta correspóndese ca pregunta 3 do modelo anterior, pero presenta certos cambios:
Ten só tres apartados (0,5 puntos cada un).
Ata agora dábase unicamente a frase modelo e o principio da frase para facer a transformación. Agora pode aparecer a frase modelo e unha palabra ou frase entre parénteses que haberá que utilizar (e ás veces modificar) para facer a transformación. Tamén pode ser unha combinación de ambas, é dicir, crear a transformación a partir dun fragmento dado e utilizando unha palabra ou expresión que se dá entre parénteses e que é posible que haxa que modificar dalgún xeito para lograr unha frase gramaticalmente correcta e non variar en absoluto o significado da frase modelo.
As frases utilizadas non teñen necesariamente que estar sacadas do texto, o que permite unha maior versatilidade á hora de elaborar o exame. Con esta pregunta preténdese medir a competencia lingüística (gramatical) do alumno ligada ás distintas funcións ou actos de fala (como formular hipóteses, dar explicacións, argumentar, suxerir, etc). Poderá versar sobre calquera dos aspectos gramaticais propios do nivel de bacharelato de acordo a normativa vixente. Como xa viña sendo habitual poderá versar sobre algúns dos seguintes aspectos:
Oracións de relativo especificativas e explicativas.
Oracións subordinadas
Oracións condicionais. Marcadores como unless/ as long as/ providing that, etc.
Estilo directo e indirecto; Reporting Verbs. Adxectivos + enough / too + adxectivo. Be + adxectivos.
Verbos pronominais seguidos de adxectivos: look angry/ smell good. etc.
Formación de palabras. Usos do infinitivo ou xerundio despois de determinados verbos e adxectivos.
Verbos seguidos de xerundio ou infinitivo.
Phrasal Verbs de uso mais habitual.
Os tempos verbais e os seus usos.
A voz pasiva e os seus usos.
Os verbos modais e os seus usos.
Conectores e Nexos: for this reason, in addition, moreover, on the other hand, because, whereas, for example, consequently, although, even if, in spite of, etc.
Comparacións: as if, as…. as, as though. Question 6: “What is your opinion about...?” “Do you fully or partially agree with...?” “Why / Why not?” “What would you have done in a situation like that?”,
“Write a letter to your teacher, explaining why you couldn’t do your homework last week”, “Write a description of your own home”, etc. (3 points) Esta pregunta pretende avaliar a capacidade comunicativa do alumnado no ámbito da produción escrita. A nota final (máximo 3 puntos) outorgarase segundo a medida na que o alumnado cumpra os seguintes parámetros; cada un deles puntuarase de 0 a 0.5 puntos:
Alcance: o alumnado aborda adecuadamente o tema proposto. Sabe comunicar as ideas que quere transmitir utilizando unha considerable variedade de recursos. Sabe utilizar o rexistro lingüístico adecuado á situación.
Riqueza e control do vocabulario.
Corrección gramatical: O alumnado ten un repertorio básico de elementos lingüísticos e de estratexias que lle permiten abordar o tema con comodidade. Non comete erros gramaticais básicos, como, por exemplo, omitir ou suxeito diante dun verbo, omitir a -s dá 3ª persoa do singular do Presente Habitual (he writeS), utilizar adxectivos en plural, usar incorrectamente os adxectivos posesivos e demostrativos, non dominar os tempos verbais e outros.
Fluidez: O alumnado posúe un dominio dá lingua inglesa adecuado e suficiente para evitar cortes na comunicación ou malentendidos.
Cohesión: O alumnado utiliza adecuadamente os conectores e demais medios de cohesión.
Coherencia: O alumnado é capaz de organizar as súas ideas para redactar un texto coherente e ben estruturado
A segunda parte do exame consiste na proba de audición e terá un valor de 1,5 puntos. Mantense o mesmo formato da audición pero cambia a puntuación (1,5 puntos). Nalgúns casos, segundo se explica a continuación, cambia o formato das preguntas. Esta parte do exame mide a comprensión oral do alumnado. Consta dunha audición (conversación, entrevista, narración, reportaxe, etc.) de aproximadamente 5 minutos de duración, que se repetirá tres veces.
Constará de dúas preguntas con cinco apartados en cada unha. - No primeiro dos apartados poderá haber dous tipos de preguntas: as de elixir a opción correcta (igual que ata agora) e outras de verdadeiro/falso. Entre os dous tipos sumarán un total de 5 preguntas e terán un valor total de 0,5 puntos (0,1 cada unha). - No segundo apartado as preguntas serán do tipo completar a frase. Un total de cinco preguntas cun valor total de 1 punto (0,2 cada unha). Listening (1.5 points) Questions 1 – 5. Write the correct option (5 x 0.1 points = 0.5 points) Questions 6 – 10. Fill in with the missing information using a maximum of 3 words. (5 x 0.2 points = 1.0 point)
If you need to revise the steps to start writing an essay, have a look at the following link
FORMATO: Mantense tanto a duración do exame (1 hora 30 minutos) como o formato de dúas opcións A e B, das que o alumno elixirá exclusivamente unha. Cada opción terá un texto distinto que pode diferir do outro en temática e tipoloxía (diálogo, narración, descrición, ensaio, historia curta etc.).
O exame consta de dúas partes diferenciadas:
1ª parte: 6 preguntas de comprensión, expresión e pronunciación cunha puntuación total de 8,5 puntos
2ª parte: audición, cunha puntuación total de 1,5 puntos A proba de audición é única para ambas opcións e farase unha vez transcorridos 45 minutos dende o comezo do exame.
A rúbrica da introdución é a seguinte: “Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English."
A primeira parte do exame consta de seis preguntas e terá un valor total de 8,5 puntos. O valor de cada pregunta e as súas características específicas indícanse a continuación:
Question 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words (approximately 50 words, 1 point) Mantense exactamente igual que no modelo anterior. Esta pregunta pretende comprobar a comprensión xeral do texto por parte do alumnado, así como a súa capacidade para resumir as ideas principais, sen entrar en detalles nin anécdotas particulares. Polo tanto, pídeselle que resuma o que leu en aproximadamente 50 palabras que non han de ser extraídas literalmente do texto, senón froito dá súa propia expresión. Esta pregunta será puntuada segundo os seguintes criterios:
O alumno identificou as ideas principais do texto e resumiunas sen incluír información secundaria ou anecdótica (de 0 a 0.50 puntos).
O alumno expresou estas ideas en aproximadamente 50 palabras, sen copiar literalmente do texto, con coherencia, claridade, cohesión, razoable corrección gramatical e léxico axeitado ao tema (de 0 a 0.50 puntos).
Question 2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) Nova pregunta que incide sobre a comprensión de cuestións concretas do texto. Consta de catro apartados cunha puntuación de 0,25 cada un. O alumno terá que decidir si a información exposta en cada apartado é verdadeira ou falsa e indicar a parte concreta do texto que xustifica a súa resposta. Se non se xustifica a resposta, a puntuación será de 0.
Question 3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here (1 point; 0.25 each) Esta pregunta é exactamente igual á pregunta 2 do modelo anterior. Catro apartados (0,25 cada uno). Trátase de que o alumnado busque palabras ou grupos de palabras no texto que correspondan no seu significado a unha palabra ou definición dada no exame. As palabras preséntanse no mesmo orde en que aparecen no texto. Dado o carácter inevitablemente aleatorio desta pregunta, recoméndase que o profesorado traballe co seu alumnado a capacidade de inferir o significado das palabras a partir do contexto no que aparecen.
Question 4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each) Nova pregunta que incide na pronunciación. Catro apartados (0,25 cada uno). Á formulación da pregunta pode facerse de distintos xeitos, tal e como se mostra no modelo orientativo de exame. Buscase que o alumno sexa capaz de identificar como se pronuncia unha determinada palabra ou unha parte dela. As palabras utilizadas na pregunta non teñen que estar sacadas do texto necesariamente. Normalmente incluiranse na formulación da pregunta os símbolos fonéticos do IPA ca intención de que poidan servir de axuda para o alumno; en ningún caso será necesario coñecer estes símbolos, ou saber facer transcricións fonéticas para poder contestar correctamente á pregunta.
Question 5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the word in brackets and/or the expression given, making the necessary changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each). Esta pregunta correspóndese ca pregunta 3 do modelo anterior, pero presenta certos cambios:
Ten só tres apartados (0,5 puntos cada un).
Ata agora dábase unicamente a frase modelo e o principio da frase para facer a transformación. Agora pode aparecer a frase modelo e unha palabra ou frase entre parénteses que haberá que utilizar (e ás veces modificar) para facer a transformación. Tamén pode ser unha combinación de ambas, é dicir, crear a transformación a partir dun fragmento dado e utilizando unha palabra ou expresión que se dá entre parénteses e que é posible que haxa que modificar dalgún xeito para lograr unha frase gramaticalmente correcta e non variar en absoluto o significado da frase modelo.
As frases utilizadas non teñen necesariamente que estar sacadas do texto, o que permite unha maior versatilidade á hora de elaborar o exame. Con esta pregunta preténdese medir a competencia lingüística (gramatical) do alumno ligada ás distintas funcións ou actos de fala (como formular hipóteses, dar explicacións, argumentar, suxerir, etc). Poderá versar sobre calquera dos aspectos gramaticais propios do nivel de bacharelato de acordo a normativa vixente. Como xa viña sendo habitual poderá versar sobre algúns dos seguintes aspectos:
Oracións de relativo especificativas e explicativas.
Oracións subordinadas
Oracións condicionais. Marcadores como unless/ as long as/ providing that, etc.
Estilo directo e indirecto; Reporting Verbs. Adxectivos + enough / too + adxectivo. Be + adxectivos.
Verbos pronominais seguidos de adxectivos: look angry/ smell good. etc.
Formación de palabras. Usos do infinitivo ou xerundio despois de determinados verbos e adxectivos.
Verbos seguidos de xerundio ou infinitivo.
Phrasal Verbs de uso mais habitual.
Os tempos verbais e os seus usos.
A voz pasiva e os seus usos.
Os verbos modais e os seus usos.
Conectores e Nexos: for this reason, in addition, moreover, on the other hand, because, whereas, for example, consequently, although, even if, in spite of, etc.
Comparacións: as if, as…. as, as though. Question 6: “What is your opinion about...?” “Do you fully or partially agree with...?” “Why / Why not?” “What would you have done in a situation like that?”,
“Write a letter to your teacher, explaining why you couldn’t do your homework last week”, “Write a description of your own home”, etc. (3 points) Esta pregunta pretende avaliar a capacidade comunicativa do alumnado no ámbito da produción escrita. A nota final (máximo 3 puntos) outorgarase segundo a medida na que o alumnado cumpra os seguintes parámetros; cada un deles puntuarase de 0 a 0.5 puntos:
Alcance: o alumnado aborda adecuadamente o tema proposto. Sabe comunicar as ideas que quere transmitir utilizando unha considerable variedade de recursos. Sabe utilizar o rexistro lingüístico adecuado á situación.
Riqueza e control do vocabulario.
Corrección gramatical: O alumnado ten un repertorio básico de elementos lingüísticos e de estratexias que lle permiten abordar o tema con comodidade. Non comete erros gramaticais básicos, como, por exemplo, omitir ou suxeito diante dun verbo, omitir a -s dá 3ª persoa do singular do Presente Habitual (he writeS), utilizar adxectivos en plural, usar incorrectamente os adxectivos posesivos e demostrativos, non dominar os tempos verbais e outros.
Fluidez: O alumnado posúe un dominio dá lingua inglesa adecuado e suficiente para evitar cortes na comunicación ou malentendidos.
Cohesión: O alumnado utiliza adecuadamente os conectores e demais medios de cohesión.
Coherencia: O alumnado é capaz de organizar as súas ideas para redactar un texto coherente e ben estruturado
A segunda parte do exame consiste na proba de audición e terá un valor de 1,5 puntos. Mantense o mesmo formato da audición pero cambia a puntuación (1,5 puntos). Nalgúns casos, segundo se explica a continuación, cambia o formato das preguntas. Esta parte do exame mide a comprensión oral do alumnado. Consta dunha audición (conversación, entrevista, narración, reportaxe, etc.) de aproximadamente 5 minutos de duración, que se repetirá tres veces.
Constará de dúas preguntas con cinco apartados en cada unha. - No primeiro dos apartados poderá haber dous tipos de preguntas: as de elixir a opción correcta (igual que ata agora) e outras de verdadeiro/falso. Entre os dous tipos sumarán un total de 5 preguntas e terán un valor total de 0,5 puntos (0,1 cada unha). - No segundo apartado as preguntas serán do tipo completar a frase. Un total de cinco preguntas cun valor total de 1 punto (0,2 cada unha). Listening (1.5 points) Questions 1 – 5. Write the correct option (5 x 0.1 points = 0.5 points) Questions 6 – 10. Fill in with the missing information using a maximum of 3 words. (5 x 0.2 points = 1.0 point)
If you need to revise the steps to start writing an essay, have a look at the following link
Some topics for you to think about
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living at home or moving away
from home whilst studying.
Advantages and disadvantages of
extreme sports
3. Credit cards can be a blessing and a curse
4. Being an only child- advantages and disadvantages.
5. Some say it would be better if there was only one
language in the world. Other disagree
6. Some people say eating meat is wrong. Others say it's
Are actors and professional
athletes paid too much?
Should teachers have to wear
uniforms or have a dress code?
euthanasia be made legal?
Since the invention of nuclear
weapons we have had a long period of GLOBAL peace and stability. Are
nuclear weapons global peacemakers or killing devices?
Should boys and girls be in
separate classes?
Is the death penalty
To what extent is the use of
animals in scientific research acceptable?
What age is appropriate for
Money can
buy happiness.
Should student’s textbooks be
replaced by notebook computers?
Should students be allowed to
have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
Should wealthy nations be
required to share their wealth among poorer nations?
Should money be spent on space
Is fashion important?
Are we too dependent on
Most high level jobs are done
by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to
be reserved for women?
Should students be allowed to
grade their teachers?
Many parents give their
children certain chores or tasks to do at home. Should
children have to do chores or tasks at home? Be sure to explain why you
think it is a good idea or a bad idea. Include examples to support
your reasons.
Should the voting age be
lowered to thirteen?
Should the government place a
tax on junk food and fatty snacks?
Should more be done to protect
and preserve the environment?
28. Advantages
and disadvantages of living alone.
29. Advantages
and disadvantages of being an only child in family
phones- a blessing or a curse.
School uniforms- to wear or not
to wear them?
GM food.
Read the text and the instructions for the
questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English.
Many European cultures
have special days to celebrate their nation or region. Officially, the English
regional day is St George’s Day (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have
different days). However, not everybody in England feels like merry-making.
“What’s special about it? We still have to go to work, just like any other
humdrum day,” grumbles Eric Brown, from Manchester. Eric isn’t alone. According
to a recent survey, only one in five English citizens even know the date of St
George’s Day – April 23rd.
Campaigners such as Gillian Cross are petitioning the government to make the festival a public holiday. “We should take pride in our region, because we have so much to celebrate,” she enthuses. “For example, we could all enjoy scrumptious old English recipes, like Bakewell tart (a sweet, almond pastry), or punch (a hot, spicy drink). And we should do more to promote English culture, too. Did you know that Shakespeare was born on April 23rd, in 1564? Amazingly, he also passed away on the same day in 1616! I think that’s a sign that we ought to take this day seriously.”
Some people oppose the campaign. “We already have plenty of days off,” complains one businessman, Wayne Vesey. “It’s just an excuse to skive work!” Economists have also voiced concerns about the potential loss of revenue. It is difficult to put an exact price on a new public holiday, but it is probably safe to say that the cost would run into tens of millions of pounds. Kasia Nowak, from Hull, thinks that this would be a misuse of public funds. “If we really want to do something patriotic, we should devote more effort to helping the disadvantaged members of our communities instead.”
Campaigners such as Gillian Cross are petitioning the government to make the festival a public holiday. “We should take pride in our region, because we have so much to celebrate,” she enthuses. “For example, we could all enjoy scrumptious old English recipes, like Bakewell tart (a sweet, almond pastry), or punch (a hot, spicy drink). And we should do more to promote English culture, too. Did you know that Shakespeare was born on April 23rd, in 1564? Amazingly, he also passed away on the same day in 1616! I think that’s a sign that we ought to take this day seriously.”
Some people oppose the campaign. “We already have plenty of days off,” complains one businessman, Wayne Vesey. “It’s just an excuse to skive work!” Economists have also voiced concerns about the potential loss of revenue. It is difficult to put an exact price on a new public holiday, but it is probably safe to say that the cost would run into tens of millions of pounds. Kasia Nowak, from Hull, thinks that this would be a misuse of public funds. “If we really want to do something patriotic, we should devote more effort to helping the disadvantaged members of our communities instead.”
- Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words whenever possible. (maximum 50 words; 1.5 points)
- Explain in English the meaning of the following expressions as used in the text. (1.5 points)
- take pride in
- the expense would run into tens of millions of pounds
- Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. (2 points)
- “What is special about this
day?” Eric asked.
Eric asked us
- We should do more to promote
English culture.
- You need to send invitations
so that people will come to the party.
If you don’t
- It wasn’t dry enough to have a
street party.
It was too
- Answer the following questions in your own words. (2 points)
- Why does Eric Brown complain about St George’s Day?
- What is the connection between Shakespeare and St George’s Day?
- What, for you, is the most important festival of the year? (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)
In this interview with Sheila Watson, a writer of children’s books, you are going to hear some new words. Read and listen to them. Make sure you know what they mean.
Guest = convidado / invitado
Growth = crecemento / crecimiento
Frightened = asustada / o
Rules: normas
Crime: delincuencia
Speed up = aumentar a velocidade / aumentar la velocidad
Slow down= ir máis lento / ir más lento
Here is the beginning of the interview.
Interviewer: Firstly, Sheila, I would like to ask you about your childhood.
Sheila Watson: My father was an American Army officer and I was born in New York, but Pearl Harbor was bombed and my father had to go off to war. And so my mother took us children back to her hometown, a small town in Pennsylvania when I was only two. It was a wonderful place to grow up in and I lived there with my grandparents for thirteen years.
Here is an example of a question.
0. Where did Sheila spend most of her childhood?
In Pearl Harbor
In Pennsylvania
In New York
The correct answer is “In Pennsylvania”
Ready? Now read the rest of the questions and alternative answers before listening to the interview.(2-minute pause)
Now listen to the rest of the interview. You will hear it three times. Write the correct answer in
your exam notebook (cuadernillo). Write the complete answer, not just a letter. You must not write more than one answer for each question.
Now you will hear the text again.
Now you will hear the text for the last time.
That is the end of the Listening test. Write your answers in your examination notebook
(cuadernillo) if you have not already done so.
Then you can go on with the rest of the examination.
CRITERIOS DE AVALIACIÓN E CORRECCIÓN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primeira pregunta: realización dun resumo dos puntos máis importantes do texto. Máximo 50 palabras (1 punto).
Segunda pregunta: require que o alumnado busque palabras ou grupos de palabras no texto que corresponden no seu significado a unha palabra ou definición dada no exame: "Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here" (0,25 x 4 = 1 punto)
Terceira pregunta: transformación dunha parte ou o total dunha frase tirada do texto noutras palabras para que signifique o mesmo. Constará de catro partes, cunha puntuación de 0,5 punto para cada parte (4 x 0.5 = 2 puntos).
Cuarta pregunta: dúas preguntas baseadas no tema do texto. As respostas deben demostrar que o alumno o entendeu correctamente. Constará de dúas partes, cunha puntuación de 1 punto para cada parte (2 x 1 = 2 puntos).
Quinta pregunta: unha pregunta acerca dun tema relacionado co tema do texto. A resposta, en forma de redacción, narrativa, carta ou doutro tipo, debe conter, aproximadamente, 120 palabras (3 puntos).
Sexta pregunta: proba de audición. Dez preguntas de tipo “test” (multiple choice) acerca dun texto auditivo, cunha puntuación de 0,1 para cada resposta, facendo un total de 1 punto. (1 punto)
Terase en conta a comprensión, a expresión e a corrección escritas. Por unha parte, o corrector valorará se existe unha comprensión total ou parcial do texto por parte do alumnado. Por outra parte, o corrector terá en conta a capacidade do alumnado para se
comunicar de forma efectiva (avaliación da súa competencia comunicativa), a coherencia e a ordenación lóxica na exposición das ideas, a riqueza do léxico, sen esquecer a expresión gramatical correcta (competencia lingüística) das respostas.
Se existise unha comprensión total do texto e unha expresión gramatical correcta, a puntuación será máxima, sempre que o alumnado introduza elementos expresivos persoais dunha certa complexidade léxico-sintáctica.
Se existise unha comprensión total do texto, mais a expresión non fose gramaticalmente correcta, faranse as deducións oportunas que dependerán da gravidade da incorrección ou do erro. As deducións faranse, entón, axustándose á importancia cualitativa do erro e do número de erros que se cometan na mesma pregunta. A modo orientador, os erros de expresión básicos (faltas de concordancia, indebida ou inexacta orde de palabras, erros na formación de interrogativas ou negativas etc.) serán penalizados de forma considerable.
Se a comprensión for parcial, a puntuación máxima asignada á pregunta verase reducida de
acordo coa gravidade da falta de comprensión.
Se non houber ningunha comprensión, a pregunta non pode ter ningún tipo de cualificación
Os erros ortográficos puntuaranse negativamente de acordo co seu número e importancia (serán máis graves en palabras básicas da lingua inglesa). Un erro repetido na mesma palabra só se penalizará unha vez.
Se se transcribise literalmente un fragmento do texto como resposta a todas ou a unha das preguntas, aínda que este fragmento estivese relacionado co contido da pregunta, valorarase cunha puntuación máxima do 50% do total atribuíble á puntuación correspondente a cada pregunta ou cuestión, así que debe interpretarse que non necesariamente a puntuación debe ser un 0,5.
I.– translate
Levo facendo judo
durante casi un ano pero acabo de descubrir que non son mui boa.
A pesar de que marcou
dous goles nos últimos 5 minutos, só puidemos empatar o partido.
Como nos quedamos sen
bebida, tivemos que sair para poder mercar máis.
Despois de comer saimos
a pasear durante ao menos unha hora. Chegamos ó Beque antes do pensado.
Non me fagas perder o
tempo. Estou máis ocupado do que cres.
Entrevistas a David Cal, e pregúntaslle1. canto tempo leva
entrenando. 2 cal ten sido o seu maior
logro 3. cantas medallas ten gañado nas
olimpiadas ata agora 4. se ten pensado
ir a Londres no 2012.
More translation:
- A pesar de que parecía un home insensible non podía evitar chorar.
- A pesar da escuridade puideron ver a cara do criminal.
- Son uns alumnos tan inteligentes que están seguros de facelo ben.
- Como é un excelente cociñeiro vai facer o pastel de cumpreanos.
- Nunca estarei de acordo con ela. Temos opinións diferentes sobre todo.
- Meu irmá quere comer menos para perder peso.
- Non o interrumpín para que puidese concentrarse no seu traballo.
- Freou bruscamente para evitar golpear ó can.
- Vou ducharme cando chegue a casa.
- Mándame un e-mail tan pronto como chegues á casa.
I.– Rewrite the sentences using the words in
brackets if given.
1. I can't
carry these cases because they are too heavy.
sorry I didn't book a seat.
I wish _____________________
3. In
spite of their regular quarrels, Mariano and Esperanza still say that they love
each other.
4. Having
drunk the beer he asked for another one.
5. I'm
sorry I don't know his address.
I wish _________________________
6. They
wrote the notices in several languages so that foreign tourists could
understand them.
As they wanted .................................................................
7. She
will be back soon and I'll stay till then.
8. They
will finish their work and leave then.
soon as __________________________
9. However
carefully you drive, you will probably have an accident in the end.
10. Would
you like to have lunch next Sunday?
Do you feel
II - Finish the following sentences in such a way
that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before
Although he was feeling very well, Mr Graham didn’t go to visit his aunt as
spite of__________________________________________________________
Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school.
3. We bought the book because it was cheaper
than we had thought.
bought the book because of___________________________________________
In spite of being very tired, he finished his work.
Haven’t you got cheaper televisions?
I won’t swim in the sea because it’s too cold
sea is not _________________________________________________________
She hasn’t ridden a horse before.
The day was so cold that we stayed indoors.
It was _______________________________________________________________
The south of England is drier than the north.
is not___________________________________________________________
The Americans have just recalled their ambassador.
It is about……………………..the controversial issue of ...
(environmental pollution)
It deals with ………………..
Talking about ...
Regarding ...
As regards ...
As far as (pollution) is concerned ...
The text refers to ...
The text (passage) points out that ...
The text mentions that …
The text says that ...
My point of view on the subject is that ...
I personally / honestly think that ...
I totally agree with ... (the view that ...)
I sincerely believe that ...
As far as I’m concerned ...
From my point of view ...
My opinion is that ...
According to the writer / recent statistics
/ modern research / opinion polls / the press / the media ...
It’s said / thought / believed that ...
The author states / suggests / explains /
criticises ...
(I must say) I don’t agree (at all) with
I strongly disagree with ...
I hate the idea of ...
I’m totally in favour of using / the use of ...
I hate the idea of using / the use of ...
The only way to solve the problem would be
We should do our best to ...
The reason for this is that ...
The reason why this happens is that...
This is because of the fact that ...
This is due to the fact that ...
- 1 -
This can be explained by the fact that ...
Owing to the fact that ...
This has been caused by ...
In fact
As a matter of fact
To tell the truth
The fact is ...
There is no doubt that ...
Undoubtedly ...
It’s (rather / quite) obvious that ...
It’s quite clear that ...
It’s needless to say that ...
People are interested in
People are concerned about
People care about
People complain about ...
I am (not) aware of the problem of
I am conscious of the problem of / in ...
First / Firstly / To begin with / First of
all / In the first place
Above all
In addition to that ... / On top of that
... / Besides that ...
As well as being ... (harmful, smoking is
And what is more,...
On the other hand ...
On the contrary,...
It’s quite the opposite
- 2 -
People / The public are wrong to believe
People / The public are mistaken when ...
People / The public are mislaid when
People / The public are intoxicated with
People / The public are brainwashed by ...
Generally / In general
On the whole
Particularly / In particular
In some cases
On some occasions / Occasionally /
From time to time / Now and again
To sum it all up / To finish off
I think that urgent measures should be
taken to try and stop ...
I’m sure that the only possible solution is
/ would be to ...
We should try our best to make the man in
the street understand that / realise that …
We should try our best to make the
Government understand that / realise that ...
I would like governments to spend more
money on ...
I would like governments to help
I would like governments to reduce the
level of ...
I would like governments to pay more
attention to ...
I would like governments to be aware of ...
I would like governments to end with
... / to ban ...
As soon as possible
at once
in the near future
by the year 2000
due to public demand
at a peace conference
after endless talks
discussions at a summit meeting ...
A short-term policy …
A long-term policy ...
- 3 -
It’s true that ....
Let’s not forget ...
The main idea ...
In conclusion ... Finally ...
What’s more ...
In spite of the fact that ...
Moreover ...
Whereas ...
As long as ...
Unless ...
As far as I know ...
By this I don’t mean ...
I’m in favour of ...
I have said previously ...
As I have already said ...
Logically speaking ...
We have just seen that ...
As usual ...
Let us observe moreover ...
I can also affirm that ...
At first it appears that ...
I want to emphasise the fact that ...
Consequently it is possible to ask why ...
So it can be understood that ...
For this reason it seems logical to ...
To sum up ...
From this it can be deduced that ...
From that it can be inferred that ...
So it can be understood that ...
- 4 -
Tipo 1: Condiciones que son siempre ciertas (A) o
muy probables en el presente o en el futuro (B).
A If Present
form Present form
or imperative
B Present form Future form or
e.g. A When
you put salt on ice, it melts.
If you see her, give her
my love.
B If
I leave now, I´ll miss the rush hour.
Tipo 2: Condiciones que son improbables o imposibles
en el presente o el futuro.
If Past Simple or would, could, might + infinitive
Past Continuous
e.g. If you met the President, what would you
say to him?
If they lived a bit nearer we might
see them more often.
Tipo 3: Condiciones irreales en el pasado.Hipótesis.
If Past perfect simple would/should/could/might + have +
past participle
or Continuous
e.g. If the telephone hadn´t woken me, I´d have
been late for my appointment.
She could have gone to university if
she´d wanted to.
Mixed Conditionals: Condiciones en el pasado con un
resultado presente o futuro.
e.g. If they hadn´t agreed to baby sit, they´d
be here.
You might be a star now if you´d got
that part in the film.
If she hadn´t decided to change
jobs, she would be going to China next month.
de Condicionales: Además de If, los
siguientes nexos pueden ser empleados para
introducir oraciones condicionales:
Unless (If not): A menos que

Providing/provided (that) Siempre que, con tal que
Suppose/supposing (that) : Suponiendo que
On condition (that): A condición de que
Wish and If only
Wish and ‘If only’ are both used to talk about regrets – things that we would like to change either about the past or the present.Talking about the present
- If only I didn’t have so much homework I could go to the concert tonight. She has a lot of homework and she can’t go to the concert.
- I wish you didn’t live so far away.
- I wish I knew what to do.
Talking about the past
- I wish I’d studied harder when I was at school. He didn’t study harder when he was at school.
- I wish I hadn’t eaten all that chocolate. I feel sick.
- If only I’d known you were coming.
Wish/if only and would
We use wish + would to talk about something in the present that we would like to change – usually something that we find annoying.
- I wish you wouldn’t borrow my clothes without asking.
- I wish it would rain. The garden really needs some water.
- I wish you’d give up smoking. it’s really bad for you.
the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.
He can’t find his wallet so he’s angry.
conditional) If he could find his wallet, he wouldn’t be angry.
1 In order to lose weight you need to
conditional) If you want ………………
2 He may be late, but he can meet us at the
Blue Note café.
conditional) If he’s ……………………
3 An old woman saw him burgle the house. That’s
why he’s in prison.
conditional) If she hadn’t ……………
4 He wants to be rich and famous. Then he’ll be
conditional) If he was ………………
5 Dave fell asleep so he missed the end of
conditional) If he hadn’t ……………...
Complete the second sentence so that
it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.
Unless we book in advance, we won´t get a table at that restaurant. (if)
We won´t get a table at that restaurant
____________________ book in advance.
he doesn´t study harder, he won´t pass the exam (unless)
He won´t pass the exam ____________________
only find the disco if you follow my directions exactly. (unless)
You won´t find the disco ____________________
my directions exactly.
you´ve got a car, you won´t be able to go to that restaurant in the country. (if)
You won´t be able to go to that restaurant in
the country ____________________
I have a glass of water, I´ll faint. (If)
I´ll faint ____________________ a glass of
it doesn´t rain, we can have a picnic. (unless).
We can have a picnic ____________________
Read the
text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English.
Figure skating = patinaxe artística / patinaje artístico
Skating was a mode of transportation for war and
hunting in Northern Europe: it was a quick way to cross frozen lakes, rivers
and streams. Skates were first made from bones, and later from iron and steel.
By the 16th century, skaters were transporting goods across frozen waterways.
Thus, like other winter sports, figure skating grew from necessity. In 1892,
the International Skating Union was founded. Six years later, the first
event was celebrated, and the Union’s organisers hoped
it might soon become an Olympic sport. After a great deal of work over the next
decade, figure skating was added to the Olympic programme for the 1908 Games.
There are four Olympic Figure Skating events: women's
singles, men's singles, pairs, and ice dancing. The singles event consists of
two sections: the short programme, and free skating. The short programme
combines eight prescribed elements such as a number of jumps. In the free
skating programme, skaters perform original techniques to music of their
choice. As judges deduct points for too many or too few jumps, a balanced
programme is important. The pairs event also consists of a short programme and
free skating. The couple works as a unit, performing many manoeuvres.
In ice dancing, the focus is on the complex steps in
time with the music, in which the skaters maintain physical
contact with each other. Ice dancing consists of
three sections: compulsory, original, and free dances. In compulsory dancing,
the couple must perform one pre-determined dance. Original dances must follow
selected rhythms, although the pair can choose their own music and
interpretative steps. In free dancing the pair freely express their interpretation
of the music they have chosen.
1.Write a
summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your
own words whenever possible
(Maximum 50 words, 1 point).
2.Find words
or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions
given here (1 point; 0.25 each)
a) Extremely
b) Rivers or
c) “Carry
out” or “do”
d) Pair
the second sentence of each pair so that it has he same meaning as the first
one(s) (2 points: 0.5 point each):
a) Skaters
were transporting goods across frozen waterways.
Goods ...
b) The
International Skating Union was founded. Six years later, the first official
event was celebrated.
Six years
after ...
c) As judges
deduct points, a balanced programme is important.
If judges
didn’t ....
d) Ice
dancing consists of three sections.
There are
4.Answer the
following questions in your own words, as far as possible. (2 points: 1 point
each ):
a) How was
it possible for figure skating to be added to 1908 Summer Olympic Games?
b) What is
the main difference between the “free skating” and “free dancing” on the one
hand, and the rest?
people want to exclude your favourite sport from the Olympic Games. Write an
argument for its inclusion.
120 words; 3 points
1. Skating started in Northern Europe many centuries ago and was a way
of transporting things. It became an international sport in 1892 and an Olympic sport in 1908. There are
different kinds of events, singles, pairs and ice dancing, some of which are chosen by the skaters while others
are compulsory.
2. a) frozen b) waterways c) perform d) couple
3. a) Goods were being transported across frozen waterways (by skaters).
b) Six years after the International skating Union was founded, the
first official event was celebrated.
c) If judges didn’t deduct points, a balanced programme would not be
d) There are three sections in ice dancing.
4. a) They were able to include figure skating in the 1908 Olympic Games
because International Skating Union,which had been
founded in 1892, worked hard for a decade.
b) “Free skating” and “free dancing” are different from the rest because
they are more original: in these the
skaters can choose the music and their interpretation of it.
5. I think it would be a mistake to exclude football from the Olympic
Games. Some people say there is
already a World Cup for football, so we don’t need it in the Olympic
Games, but I think more people will
watch the Games if there is football because it is the most popular
sport in the world. Also, it is a good idea
because Spain will probably win a gold or silver medal, because we have
the best team, and Spain don’t
usually win many medals. Countries like Brazil, Argentina and Mexico are
in the same position. It is a
good chance for young players to show their talent, and they can be seen
by the managers of Barcelona,
Arsenal and other teams.
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