If you scroll down the page you will find the following grammar points and exercises to practise.

comparative and superlative adjectives
The passive tense
Modal verbs 
 I wish and  If onlyI
Conditional sentences
Revision of tenses


Comparative and Superlative adjective

There are two ways to form a comparative adjective:
  • short adjectives: add '-er'
  • long adjectives: use 'more'
Short adjectives
  • 1-syllable adjectives
old, fast
  • 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y
happy, easy
Normal rule: add '-er'
old > older
Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -r
late > later
Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last consonant
big > bigger
Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the -y to -i
happy > happier
Long adjectives
  • 2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y
modern, pleasant
  • all adjectives of 3 or more syllables
expensive, intellectual
Normal rule: use 'more'
modern > more modern
expensive > more expensive
Warning! With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use '-er' or 'more':
  • quiet > quieter/more quiet
  • clever > cleverer/more clever
  • narrow > narrower/more narrow
  • simple > simpler/more simple

How do we use comparative adjectives?

We use comparative adjectives when talking about 2 things
Often, the comparative adjective is followed by 'than'.
Look at these examples:
  • John is 1m80. He is tall. But Chris is 1m85. He is taller than John.
  • America is big. But Russia is bigger.
  • I want to have a more powerful computer.
  • Is French more difficult than English?

Superlative Adjectives

What is the superlative?
Comparison is between 2 things: "A is bigger than B."

But the superlative is the extreme between 3 or more things: "A is the biggest."
How do we make a superlative adjective?
As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective:
  • short adjectives: add '-est'
  • long adjectives: use 'most'
We also usually add 'the' at the beginning.
Short adjectives
  • 1-syllable adjectives
old, fast
  • 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y
happy, easy
Normal rule: add '-est'
old > the oldest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st
late > the latest
Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last consonant
big > the biggest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the -y to -i
happy > the happiest
Long adjectives
  • 2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y
modern, pleasant
  • all adjectives of 3 or more syllables
expensive, intellectual
Normal rule: use 'most'
modern > the most modern
expensive > the most expensive
Warning! With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use '-est' or 'most':
  • quiet > the quietest/most quiet
  • clever > the cleverest/most clever
  • narrow > the narrowest/most narrow
  • simple > the simplest/most simple
When we compare one thing with itself, we do not use 'the':
  • England is coldest in winter. (not the coldest)
  • My boss is most generous when we get a big order. (not the most generous)
Irregular adjectives:


Irregular adverbs:

We use as + adjective + as to say that something is equal to other thing.
He is as good student as his brother.
Maria’s eyes are as beautiful as yours.

We use less + adjective + than to say that something is inferior to other.
You are less boring than my teacher.
Our car is less expensive than theirs.

When we want to describe how something or someone changes we can use two comparatives with and:

The balloon got bigger and bigger.
O globo fíxose cada vez máis grande. 

Everything is getting more and more expensive.

Todo esta cada vez máis caro
Grandfather is looking older and older. 

O avó  está cada vez máis maior.

We often use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing depends on another:

When you drive faster it is more dangerous
> The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is.

Canto máis rápido conduces, máis perigoso é.

When they climbed higher it got colder
> The higher they climbed, the colder it got.

Canto mais alto subían, máis frío ía.


1.       Do you think Pat is _______________________ Brian ? (intelligent)
2.       This school is  _______________________ ours (new)
3.       The computer is _______________________ I thought (expensive)
4.       The rooms are_______________________  they used to be (clean)
5.       He is _______________________ he was a year ago (healthy)
6.       Do you think English is _______________________ French? (difficult)
7.       He eats a lot – He is getting _____________ and _____________  (fat)
8.       I think girls are _______________________ boys (mature)
9.       Not many people are _______________________ he is (dishonest)
10.   His face was getting _____________ and _____________  (red)
11.   He was _______________________I had ever seen him before (angry)
12.   Big cars are _______________________small ones ( comfortable)
13.   I think the book is_______________________ the film (interesting)
14.   Could I have a_______________________ room, please? (big)
15.   My exam was_______________________ I thought (bad)
16.   The road becomes _______________________after three or four miles (narrow)
17.   The film is getting _____________ and _____________ (interesting)
18.   _____________ you drive _____________you’ll arrive
19.   _____________ I see you _____________  I love you
20.   _____________ I eat _____________  I get
21.   _____________ people_____________ problems.

              THE PASSIVE TENSE

Compare the two sentences:

    Your little boy broke my kitchen window this morning.
  That window was broken by your little boy.

            The first kind of sentence is called "active".
               The second kind of sentence is called "passive".

            Passive structures are used when we want to talk about an action, 
            but we are not interested in saying who or what did it.

                        Those pyramids were built around 400 A.D.
                        Too many books have been written about the second world war.

                   Passives are very common in scientific writing, 
                 and other kinds of expression where we are most interested in events 
                and processes: in things that happen.

PASSIVE: by + agent.

In sentences like:

            The trouble was caused by your mother

            the part of the sentence introduced by by is called the agent.
The agent is only expressed when it is important to say who or what something is done by. In most passive sentences, there is no agent.

            A new supermarket's just been opened.
            I'm always being asked for money.

            With is used when we talk about an instrument (tool, etc.) which helps the agent to do an action.

            He was shot (by a policeman) with a revolver.

PASSIVE: verbs with two objects.
            Many verbs, such as give, send, show, lend, explain, invite,                                                            ask, tell, teach, pay, promise, offer.
can be followed by two objects, which usually refer to a person and a thing.

                        She gave her sister a book.
            When these verbs are used in the passive, there are two possibilities.

                        Her sister was given a book.
                        A book was given to her sister.

            Most often in such cases the person becomes the subject of the passive verb.

                        I've been sent a lot of information.
                        You were lent  ten thousand pounds last year.
                        We were shown all the different ways of making whisky.

Simple Present          GIVE(S)           
           AM / IS / ARE GIVEN
Present Cont.  AM/IS/ARE GIVING
Simple Past                GAVE
           WAS / WERE GIVEN
Past Cont.     WAS/WERE GIVING
Present Perfect  HAVE/HAS GIVEN
Past Perfect           HAD GIVEN
           HAD BEEN GIVEN
Future                     WILL GIVE
           WILL BE GIVEN
Modals      Modal Verb + GIVE
           MODAL + BE GIVEN
Modal Perfect:
           Modal Verb + HAVE GIVEN
      MODAL + HAVE BEEN GIVEN                                                             
Infinitive                   TO GIVE
           TO BE GIVEN

Use of the Passive Voice.

    1. When we don´t know who does or did the action:

              My briefcase was stolen last night
             ( I don´t know who stole it )

    2. When it is not important who does or did the action.

             The cars are taken to Europe every week.
             These televisions are made in Japan.

    Don´t forget to keep the prepositions that follow some verbs when the active  sentence is put into the passive voice.

     Ex. You must look after our children while we are out.
         Our children must be looked after while we are out.

Voz Pasiva Impersonal

Se caracteriza por utilizar verbos relacionados con la percepción (Verbos Intransitivos) como por ejemplo: say (decir), think (pensar), suppose (suponer), know (saber/conocer), expect (esperar), consider (considerar), entre otros.

Debemos remarcar que la Voz Pasiva Impersonal es un tipo de construcción utilizado con gran frecuencia por los medios de comunicación, sobre todo en la redacción de noticias.


Veamos algunos ejemplos:
It is said
Se dice
It is known
Se sabe
It is supposed
Se supone
It is considered
Se considera
It is reported
Se informa
It is thought
Se piensa
It is decided
Se decide

Ahora veamos ejemplos concretos sobre su desarrollo:
People believe that the strike will continue for a week.
It is believed that the strike will continue for a week.
The police reported that there was a bomb on the plane.
It was reported that there was a bomb on the plane.

También es preciso mencionar que en muchas ocasiones una tercera construcción es posible colocando el sujeto de la oración subordinada al comienzo de la oración; el verbo de percepción en voz pasiva y el resto de la frase se añade utilizando el infinitivo del verbo precedido por la partícula “TO“, teniendo en cuenta que algunos verbos auxiliares y “THAT” no se colocan:

  • He says that the Governor had inaugurated the bridge  last year.
  • It is said that the Governor had inaugurated the bridge  last year.
  • The Governor is said to have inaugurated the bridge  last year.

  • Everyone thinks that the ship will arrive tomorrow morning.
  • It is said that the ship will arrive tomorrow morning.
  • The ship is said to arrive tomorrow morning.


En español cuando te cortas el pelo dices: “Me he cortado el pelo” o “Me corté el pelo”. Si te fijas parece como si tú mismo hubieses realizado la acción de cortarte pelo, cuando lo cierto es que un peluquero te corta el pelo, por tanto, se presupone que ha sido otra persona. Pero en inglés no es así, indicamos que la acción la ha realizado otra persona para nosotros:

¿Cómo? Utilizando la fórmula siguiente:

Verbo “have/had” + objeto + participio pasado

Por ejemplo. I had my hair cut. Me corté el pelo. Nota: También puedo decir: I got a haircut. Con el verbo comodín “got” consigo expresar que “alguien me cortó el pelo” Utilizando el verbo “have/had” hacemos énfasis en que otra persona hizo el trabajo para nosotros.

La fórmula es muy sencilla, pero hay que saberse bien los participios pasados de los verbos.

Veamos más ejemplos:

past participle
I had
my nails
Me hice (pintaron) las uñas.
I need to have
my car
Necesito pintar mi coche.
They are having
the school
Están arreglando el colegio.
She had
her carpet
Ella mandó a limpiar la alfombra.
Where did you have
that photograph
¿Dónde te tomaron esa foto?
They had
an extra room
Les hicieron una habitación adicional.

Recuerda: También existe una forma informal para expresar la idea de que “alguien hace algo para tí”. Se trata de una fórmula con el verbo “get”. Por ejemplo: “I got my car repaired” [aigat maiher riperd] es igual a decir: “I had my car repaired”. Me arreglaron el coche. Todo lo que tengo que hacer es sustituir “have/had” por “get/got” (u otros tiempos verbales).

Active to passive

65. You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place.

66. They´re mending your shoes at the moment.

67. Someone will drive your car to Edinburgh on Tuesday.

68. We don´t allow smoking in this restaurant.

69. You should pay your bill before you leave the hotel.

70. I have told the children about the party.

71. About thirty million people are watching this programme.

72. We expect students not to talk during the examination.

73. You mustn´t touch this button while the experiment is in progress.

74. Someone will blow a whistle if there is an emergency.
1.       __________________________________________________________.

79. They searched his house and found a number of stolen articles.

80. You mustn’t move this man; he is too ill. You’ll have to leave him here.

81. You must keep dogs on lead in the garden.

82. Someone stole my car and abandoned it fifteen miles away. He had removed the radio but done no other damage.

83. Tom Smith wrote the book and Brown and Co. published it.

84. Women clean this office in the evening after the staff have left; they clean the upstairs offices between seven and eight in the morning.

85. Passengers shouldn’t throw away their tickets as inspectors may check these during the journey.

86. Someone left this purse in a classroom yesterday; the cleaner found it.

87. They showed her the easiest way to do it.

88. An uneasy silence succeeded the shot.

89. They think that a scientist should teach science but that any idiot can teach history.

115. Brian told me that someone had attacked and robbed him in the street.

116. They didn´t offer Ann the job.

117. They don´t pay Jim very much.

118. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.

119. Nobody told me that George was ill.

120. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

90. They didn’t pay me for the work; they expected me to do it for nothing.

91. You should have taken those books back to the library.

92. Someone broke into the house and stole most of his silver.

Passive to Active

    14. Someone will have to be found to take her place.
    15. He was made to surrender his passport.
    16. This rumour must have been started by our opponents.
    17. My paintings are to be exhibited for the first time by New Arts Gallery.
    18. This scientific theory has now been proved to be false.
    19. The car which was blown over the cliff yesterday is to be salvaged today.
    20. The house where the dead man was found is being guarded by the police to
           prevent it from being entered and the evidence interfered with.
    21. Why wasn't the car either locked or put into the garage?
  22. It is being said that too little money is being spent by the government on  roads.
    23. Your money could be put to good use instead of being left idle in the bank.
   24. For a long time the earth was believed to be flat.
   25.This copy hasn't been read. The pages haven't been cut.
   26.The stones were thrown by a student, who was afterwards led away by the

We added up the money and found that it was correct.
I'm employing a man to tile the bathroom.
People know that he is armed.
Someone saw him pick up the gun.
We know that you were in town on the night of the crime.
We believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police. (one 
You needn't have done this.
He likes people to call him 'sir'.
Don't touch this switch.            
It is impossible to do this. (Use can't.)
Someone is following us.
You order me about and I am tired of it. (I am tired of...
You don't need to wind this watch.
They shouldn't have told him.


                        Relative Pronouns




         The relative pronouns qualify nouns or pronouns. Relative pronouns are placed

after the  noun or pronoun.

            To choose a relative pronoun we have to take into account not only

the antecedent of  the antecedent (person, thing, place,...) but also the syntactic

function of the relative pronoun (object, subject, possessive,...)

1. Defining Relative Clauses.        who       which      that       whose


     They distinguish the preceeding noun from other nouns of the same class.

They are essential to the understanding of the noun,it says who the person is or what the thing is. If we delete the relative clause, we lose the information we need to identify the noun.

                 Ex. The man who wants to buy my house is coming to see me.

                        ( Here the man is identified ; I know who he is. )

Non-defining relative clauses gives information about the noun but this is not

essential to identify it ; it´s additional information . Although we delete the relative clause, we can identify the noun. Non-defining relative clauses are indicated by the

use of commas before and after the clause.

                Ex. Both my sisters, who are living in New York, will come soon.

The difference between them is important because they can change the meaning

of the sentence.

                Ex. The people who lived on the second floor left the building.

                       ( We identify the people who left the building : those who lived on

                         the second floor. Nobody else left the building. )

                       The people, who lived on the second floor, left the building.

                       ( Everybody in the building lived on the second floor and they left. )

         " who " is used for people.

         " which " is used for things and animals.

         " that " is used for both, people and things


                    Ex.  She´s the woman. She telephoned the police.

                           She is the woman ( who / that  telephoned the police. )

                                                                subject           verb

                           This is the lion. It has been ill recently.

                           This is the lion ( which / that has been ill recently. )

                                                           subject          verb

                           We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.

                           We threw out the computer ( which / that never worked properly.)

                                                                                   subject                  verb


                Ex.    You saw a man yesterday. He is ill.

                          The man ( who / that/ whom you saw yesterday ) is ill.

                                                object       s.     v.

                         They have designed a television. It is going to be very expensive.

                         The television ( which / that they have designed ) is going to be...

                                                         object          s.            v.


 * when the relative is the object of its clause, it can be omitted.


                Ex.    The man ( ------- you saw yesterday ) is ill.

                          The television ( ------ they have designed ) is going to be ...

C. POSSESSIVE: whose is the only possible form. It is used to indicate possesssion

                            and it usually replaces possessive adjectives.


                        Ex. The film is about a spy. His wife kills him.

                              The film is about a spy whose wife kills him.

                               A house whose walls are made of glass.(with glass walls)

2. Non-Defining Relative Clauses.        who        which    whose


          A. SUBJECT: we can only use who.


                       Ex. Jason Donovan, who is a singer, comes from Australia”.


          B. OBJECT: whom is the correct form but who is used in conversation. The          

                             pronoun can´ t  be omitted.

                                  Ex. Peter, whom you know well, is very tall.

          C. POSSESSIVE: whose is the only possible form.     

                                  Ex. Anne, whose children are here, are very pretty.

                                        His house, whose windows were broken, was big.

3. The preposition.              who       whom     which     that

Non-Defining Relative clauses with prepositions:

Some verbs are followed by prepositions. Who/ whom/which are the relative pronouns used after the preposition and we place the preposition before the

relative pronoun.

                 Ex. The Incas, about whom much has been written, created a very

                          advanced civilization.

Defining Relative clauses with prepositions:

a)  When the preposition is at the end of the relative clause we can use that

      or we can omit the relative.

Ex. I was talking to a man. He was my brother.

                      The man who / that I was talking to was my brother.

                      I applied for a job. It was interesting.

                      The job which / that I applied for was interesting.

b) The preposition can also be written at the beginning of the relative clause. In this case:        - the relative can´t be omitted

                 - only " whom " or "which " can be used.

                 Ex. The man to whom I was talking was my brother.

                        The job for which I applied  was interesting.


4. Other relatives.  whose    which     why     what     where     when

    1. Whose : It is used to indicate possession. It usually replaces possessive



                     Ex. There´s the man. His wallet was stolen.

                            There´s the man whose wallet was stolen.

    2. Which : Sometimes it can refer to a whole sentence instead of a noun.

                        In this case, it can be used only in non-defining relative clauses.                  


                     Ex. He passed all his exams, which surprised us.

                           They stayed for hours, which I was very annoyed about.

    3. Why : It usually follows " a reason " or " the reason ".

                     Ex. There must be a reason why you said that.

                            The reason why I came is that I want to tell you that ...


   4. What : It can be used as a relative without a noun or antecedent

                     Ex. Eat what you want.

                            That is not what I want to see.

    5. Where : It can be used as a relative to identify places.

                     Ex. We visited the town where I was born.

                            I bought them at the supermarket, where I met Mr. Jones.

    6. When : It can be used as a relative to identify time.

                    Ex. I saw the film last year, when I was in Paris.

                          I think that was the time when I lost my money.


    1. We visited the school __________ my mother taught.

    2. I met her last month, __________ she came to our house.

    3. We all looked at the place __________ the fire started.

    4. I met him in the café __________ he was working as a waiter.

    5. Do you remember the time __________ Adrian fell off his bicycle?

    6. Did they tell you the reason __________ they were late.

    7. The cat sat on the wall, __________ it had a good view of the birds.

    8. I´m talking about the time __________ they didn´t have cars.

    9. Last year I spent my holiday in Yugoslavia, __________ I met Andy.

  10. I couldn´t understand the reason __________ they were so rude.

  11. I bought them last year, __________ I was in France.

  12. We went away in August, __________ the children were on holiday.

  13. I never liked the house __________ my husband was born.

  14. They arrived in the evening, at a time __________ we were all out.

  15. I listen to the music late at night, __________ the children have gone to bed.

  16. What´s the name of the hotel __________ we stayed?

  17. Have you ever been to the village __________ they live?

  18. The factory __________ John works is the biggest in the town.



    1. Did you hear __________ I said?

    2. Everything __________ he said was true.

    3. She gives her children everything __________ they want.

    4. Tell me __________ you want and I´ll try to help you.

    5. Why do you blame me for everything __________ goes wrong?

    6. I won´t be able to do very much but I´ll do the best __________ I can.

    7. I can´t lend you any money. All __________ I´ve got is a pound.

    8. Nora is the only person __________ understands me.

    9. Why do you always disagree with everything __________ I say?

  10. I don´t agree with __________ you´ve just said.

  11. This is an awful film. It´s the worst __________ I´ve ever seen.


    1. A man gave me this address. I met him on the train.

        The man _________________________________________________.

    2. These people work in the office. They are very friendly.

        The people _______________________________________________.

    3. Those are the shops. They don´t take credit cards.

        Those are ________________________________________________.

    4. A student came late. I borrowed her pen.

        The student _______________________________________________.

    5. You gave me an umbrella. I lost it.

         I lost ____________________________________________________.

    6. I slept in a bed. It was rather uncomfortable.

        The bed __________________________________________________.

    7. Everybody went to the party. They enjoyed it very much.

        Everybody ________________________________________________.

    8. The cup was on the table. I had tea in it.

        The cup __________________________________________________.

    9. I bought a computer. It was broken.

        The computer ______________________________________________.

  10. I´m looking for a woman. She is a computer designer.

        The woman ________________________________________________.

  11.  The man was English. I wanted to meet him.

         The man __________________________________________________.

  12. I saw a film. It was about the Second World War.

        The film ___________________________________________________.

  13. Tom had a dog. It was very unpleasant.

         The dog __________________________________________________.

  14. We saw the boy. His father was a writer.

         We saw __________________________________________________.

  15. I talked to a man. His wife had died the year before.

         I talked ___________________________________________________.

  16. The body belonged to an old man. It was found yesterday.

         The body _________________________________________________.                                                                      

  17. The flight was delayed. I wanted to travel on it.

         The _____________________________________________________.                                                                                                                      

  18. You bought the painting. I wanted it.

          I wanted _________________________________________________.

  19. This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.

          This is __________________________________________________.

  20. He´s the person. His car was stolen.

          He is ___________________________________________________.

  21. I borrowed some money from Mary. I lost it.

           I lost ___________________________________________________.

  22. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

           This is _________________________________________________.

  23. The form is on the shelf. You must fill in the form.

           The from _______________________________________________.

  24. The gambler is an Arab. He is losing one hundred pounds.

           The gambler ____________________________________________.

  25. The car was Susan´s. It was stolen yesterday.

           The car ________________________________________________.

  26. I went to see the doctor. He told me to rest for a few days.

          The doctor ______________________________________________.

  27. Susan Wright is married to a tycoon. He´s the owner of an oil company.

          The tycoon ______________________________________________.

  28. The man has been accused of murderer. The police arrested him.

          The man ________________________________________________.

  29. An architect gave me this address. I met him at the railway station.

           The architect ____________________________________________.

  30. He fell in love with a girl. She left him after a few weeks.

           The girl  ________________________________________________.

  31. The statements were all untrue. He made statements concerning his aunt´s

          strange disappearance.       

          The statements ___________________________________________.

  32. The agency sent a new secretary. We didn´t like her.

          We didn´t like ____________________________________________.

  33. Boswell wrote a fine biography of Johnson. His own life was far from


          Boswell ________________________________________________.

  34. This is the man. I met him in Paris.

         This ___________________________________________________.

  35. I wanted the painting. You bought it.

        I ______________________________________________________.

  36. This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.

         This __________________________________________________.

 37. She´s the woman. She telephone the police.

       She is __________________________________________________.

  38. He´s the person. He wanted to buy your house.

        He ____________________________________________________.

  39. We threw out  the computer. It never worked properly.

        We ____________________________________________________.

  40. This is the lion. It´s been ill recently.

        This ____________________________________________________.

  41. The man was badly injured. He was driving the car.

         The man ________________________________________________.

  42. The children broke my window. They live in the next street.

         The children _____________________________________________.

  43. That´s the woman. I was telling you about her.

         That´s __________________________________________________.

  44. The woman wasn´t very polite. I spoke to her.

         The woman ______________________________________________.

  45. The machine cost the least. It worked better than the others.

         The machine _____________________________________________.

  46. Some people hate animals. I don´t understand them.

         I don´t __________________________________________________.

  47. The stereo doesn´t work properly. I bought it last week.

         The stereo _______________________________________________.

  48. I have two brothers. They are working as architects at the moment.

        I have ___________________________________________________.

  49. I didn´t agree with that man. He said we should cancel our trip.

        I didn´t ___________________________________________________.

  50. I shouted at a man. He didn´t come back again.

        The man _________________________________________________.

  51. I dropped a television. It never worked again.

        The television _____________________________________________.

  52. I hired a machine. It was broken.

        The machine ______________________________________________.

  53. She bought some clothes. They were beautiful.

        The clothes _______________________________________________.

  54. They built a wall. It fell down after three weeks.

         The wall _________________________________________________.

  55. I asked a policeman. He wasn´t very helpful.

        The policeman _____________________________________________.

  56. We bought a car. I didn´t really like it.

        I didn´t ____________________________________________________.

  57. I borrowed some money from Janice. I lost it.

        I lost _____________________________________________________.

  58. They sent a new teacher. I really liked her.

        I really ____________________________________________________.

  59. I sacked a sales assistant. I had a terrible argument with him.

        I had _____________________________________________________.

  60.There´s the lady. her dog was killed.

        There´s ___________________________________________________.

  61. She´s the journalist. Her article was on the front page of The Times.

        She´s ____________________________________________________.

  62. They´re the people. Their shop burned down last week.

         They´re ___________________________________________________.

  63. That´s the student. His parents complained about the school.

         That´s ____________________________________________________.

  64. I´m the one. My flag was broken into.

        I´m _______________________________________________________.

  65. The rose is a pink flower. It is one of the emblems of England.

         The rose, _________________________________________________.

  66. The thistle is a plant with sharp prickles. It is one of the emblems of Scotland.

         The thistle, _________________________________________________.

  67. The shamrock is a lucky kind of leaf. It is one of the emblems of Ireland.

         The shamrock, ______________________________________________.

  68. The daffodil is a yellow spring flower. It is one of the emblems of Wales.

         One of the emblems __________________________________________.

  69. The kiwi is a bird that can´t fly. it is one of the emblems of New Zealand.

         One of the emblems of New Zealand _____________________________.

  70. The koala bear is a tree-loving animal. It is one of the emblems of Australia.

         The koala bear, _____________________________________________.

  71. The eagle is a bird of the mountains. It is one of the emblems of America.

         The eagle, _________________________________________________.

  72. The kris is a long kind of knife. It is one of the emblems of Nepal.

         The kris, ___________________________________________________.

  73. I borrowed a pen from my friend. It soon ran out of ink.

        The pen ___________________________________________________

  74. The pen cost 3 pounds. It quickly ran out of ink.

         The pen ___________________________________________________.

  75. The hotel has now closed. It opened in South Street five years ago.

         The hotel __________________________________________________.

  76. The hotel has now closed. We stayed at this hotel last year.

         The hotel __________________________________________________.

  77. We read books for school exams. They weren´t always very interesting.

         The books _________________________________________________.

  78. I´d like one of those Walkman transistors. You can listen to them on the bus

        without anyone else hearing. I´d like _______________________________.

  79. " Gandhi " is an example of a serious film. It won an Oscar.

        " Gandhi ", _________________________________________________.

  80. A man phoned. He didn´t say his name.

        The man ___________________________________________________.

  81. A woman opened the door. She was wearing a yellow dress.

        The woman _________________________________________________.

  82. Some people live next door to us. They are very nice.

        The people _________________________________________________.

  83. The policeman stopped our car. He wasn´t very friendly.

         The policeman ______________________________________________.

  84. A boy broke the window. He ran away.

         The boy ___________________________________________________.

  85. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.

        The girl ____________________________________________________.

  86. A man answered the phone. He told me that you were out.

        The man ___________________________________________________.

  87. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.

        The waitress ________________________________________________.

  88. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.

        The boys ___________________________________________________.

  89. I met a couple. Their luggage disappeared.

        I met ______________________________________________________.

  90. The girl was Greek. Her passport was stolen.

         The girl ___________________________________________________.

  91. Tom´s father goes swimming every day. He is 78.

         Tom´s father, _______________________________________________.

  92. She told me her address. I wrote her address down on a piece of paper.

         She told me her address, ______________________________________.

  93. He showed me a photograph of her son. Her son is policeman.

        He shoed me _______________________________________________.

  94. We decided not to swim in the sea. The sea looked rather dirty.

        We _______________________________________________________.

  95. The new stadium will be opened next month. It holds 90,000 people.

         The new stadium, ____________________________________________.

  96. John is one of my closest friends. I have known John for eight years.

         John, ______________________________________________________.

  97. The man over there is an artist. I don´t remember his name. ( WHOSE )

         That man, ___________________________________________________.

  98. Opposite our house there is a nice park. There are many trees in that park.

         Opposite ____________________________________________________.


99. The storm caused a lot of damage. Nobody had been expecting the storm.

         The storm, __________________________________________________.

100. The postman was late this morning. The postman is nearly always in time.

         The postman, ________________________________________________.

101. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. Bristol is only thirty miles away.

         We often ___________________________________________________.

102. Mr. Jones has gone into hospital for some tests. His health hasn´t been very

         good recently. ( WHOSE ).

        Mr. Jones, __________________________________________________.

103. Jack looks much nicer without his beard.His beard made him look much older.

         Jack looks _________________________________________________.

104. I went to see the doctor. The doctor told me to rest for a few days.

         I went to see ________________________________________________.

105. Thank you for your letter. I was very happy to get your letter.

         Thank you for _______________________________________________.

106. A friend of mine helped me to get a job. His father is the manager of the

         company.  ( WHOSE ).

         A friend of mine, _____________________________________________.

107. Next weekend I´m going to Glasgow. My sister lives in Glasgow. ( WHERE )

        Next weekend I´m ____________________________________________.

108. The population of London is now falling. London was one of the largest

         cities in the world.

         The population of London, ______________________________________.

109. I looked up the moon. The moon was very bright that evening.

        I looked up __________________________________________________.

110. We spent a pleasant day by the lake. We had a picnic by the lake. ( WHERE )

        We spent a __________________________________________________.

111. Mr. Carter is very interested in our plan. I spoke to him on the phone last night.

         Mr. Carter, __________________________________________________.

112. This is photograph of our friends. We went on holiday with them.

         This is a photograph ___________________________________________.

113. The wedding took place last Friday. Only members of the family were invited

         to it.

         The wedding ________________________________________________.

114. I´ve just bought some books about astronomy. I´m interested in astronomy.

        I´ve ________________________________________________________.



            whatever, whenever, whoever etc.

Fill each of the gaps in the following sentences with one of the following words: however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever.

1. _____ you do, don't mention my name. (I particularly don't want you to.)

       2. He lives in Wick, _____ that is (I don't know and don't much care.)

       3. Ann (looking out of the window): Bill's van-

              Tom: It isn't a van, it's a station wagon. 

              Ann: Well _____ it is, it's just been given a parking ticket!

       4. You'll never escape.  He'll find you _____ you hide yourself. (no matter where)

       5. _____ of you broke this window will have to pay for it.

       6. _____ broke this window will have to pay for it.

       7. The lift works perfectly for Tom, but _____ I use it, the doors stick. (every time)

       8. I'd rather have a room of my own _____ small, than share with someone.

       9. _____ told you I'd lend you £500 was pulling your leg.

     10. Shall I type it or send it like this? ~ _____ you like.

     11. You're wanted on the phone! ~ I can't come now.  Ask _____ it is to leave his

            number and I'll ring him back in half an hour.

12. _____ rich you are you can't buy happiness.

     13. He's a phrenologist, _____ that is. (I don't know.)

     14. We must finish tonight, _____ long it takes us. (no matter how long)

15. ______ it rains, my roof leaks.

     16. Announcement: A box of dangerous drugs has been removed from the hospital

           dispensary.  Will _____ took it please return it immediately?

     17. Mothers in this district are not letting their children out alone till _____

           committed these murders has been arrested.

     18. He started half an hour ago and his car is faster than yours. _____ fast you      

            drive, you won't catch him up.

     19. Married man (to bachelor friend): You can do _____ you like in the evenings

            but I  have to go home to my wife.

 20.  _____ my neighbour is cooking there is a smell of burning. (every time)

     21. I hope that _____ left this rubbish here is going to clear it away.

     22. We each draw a card and _____ of us has the lowest card does the washing

    up. Or _____ has the lowest card.

     23. If I say, 'Heads, I win; tails, you lose,' I will win _____ happens. Or I will win

            _____ way the coin falls.

24. _____ used the bathroom last forgot to clean the bath.


Modal Auxiliary Verbs

   can / cannot /can´t
   must / mustn´t
   could / couldn´t
   should / shouldn´t
   ought to / oughtn´t to
   may ( not )

   need ( to ) / needn´t
   might (not )
   would / wouldn´t

   be able to
   be allowed to
   have to

Introduction                                                                                  Mistakes

1. Siempre van seguidos de infinitivo sin "to".                  I must to stay.
2. Hacen la negación añadiendo not / n´t.                          I don´t must stay.
3. Son auxiliares.                                                                    Do you can go?
4. No llevan -s en la tercera persona del singular.              He cans go.
5. Nunca pueden aparecer 2 modales juntos.                     He will can.
6. No llevan -ed del pasado ni -ing del gerundio.                I canned

1. Ability            CAN                          COULD                       BE ABLE TO                                                                                                                   

   Present                 can                        am/is/are able to     
   Past                      could                     was/were able to
   Future                                                 will be able to
   Perfect                                                have/has been able to
   Past Perfect                                       had been able to

1. Complete these sentences using the correct form of CAN, COULD,BE ABLE TO

    1. I´ll ______________  see you tomorrow.
    2. It was too expensive. I _______________ buy it.
    3. __________ you __________ come with us next Thursday?
    4. Will she ______________ come to the office tomorrow?
    5. I tried to see her but I ______________.
    6. I _______________ come tomorrow, I´m afraid. I´m too busy.
    7. __________ you __________ contact your parents yesterday?
    8. He _______________ ( not ) work since his illness.
    9. After a few hours, I ______________ open the door and get out.
  10. I _______________ see you next Monday at ten.
  11. When they came back from Paris, they __________ speak perfect French.

2. Complete these sentences with CAN, CAN´T, COULD, COULDN´T and one of
    the following verbs.


    1. I´m sorry, but we _______________ to your party next Saturday.
    2. She got the job because she _______________ five languages.
    3. You´re speaking very quietly. I ______________ you.
    4. Have you seen my bag? I _______________ it.
    5. I like this hotel room. You _______________ the mountains from the window.
    6. I was tired but I _______________.
    7. She spoke very quickly. I _______________ her.
    8. His eyes are not very good.  He _______________ very well.
    9. I wasn´t hungry yesterday. I _______________ my dinner.
  10. He _______________ to the meeting last week. He was ill.
  11. He _______________ to the concert next Saturday. He´s working.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of CAN, COULD or BE ABLE TO.

    1. George has travelled a lot. He ______________ speak four languages.
    2. I haven´t ______________ sleep well recently.
    3. Tom ______________ drive but he hasn´t got a car.
    4. I can´t understand Martin. I´ve never _______________ understand him.
    5. I used to _______________ stand on my head but I can´t do it now.
    6. Ask Ann about your problems. She should ______________ help you.
    7. She _______________ run very fast now but when she was at school she
        ______________ faster than anyone else.
    8. Did you persuade them. Yes, it was difficult but we _______ persuade them.
    9. My grandfather was very clever. He _______________ five languages.
  10. I looked everywhere for the book but I _______________ find it.
  11. The fire spread quickly but everyone _______________ escape.
  12. She had hurt her leg, so she _______________ walk very well.
  13. She wasn´t at home when I phoned but I _______________ contact her later.
  14. I looked very carefully and I _______________ see a figure in the distance.
  15. They didn´t have any tomatoes in the first shop I went to, but I ____________
         get some in the next shop.
  16. My grandmother loved music. She _____________ play the piano very well.
  17. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we ______________ rescue him.

2. Requests                CAN                     COULD                          MAY     
           COULD               you  + Infinitive ____________ ( for me ) ?

1. Translate these sentences into English.

    1. ¿Puedes abrir la puerta, por favor?
    2. ¿Puedes venir a verme mañana?
    3. ¿Puedes pasarme la sal?
    4. ¿ Puedes ayudarme con la maleta, por favor?
    5. ¿Puedes contestar al teléfono por mí?
    6. ¿Podría decirme la hora, por favor?
    7. ¿Puedes ir a buscar a mi hermano allí?
    8. ¿Podría usted esperar un momento?
    9. ¿ Puedes llamar a un taxi por mí?
  10. ¿Podeis decirle a ella que estaré de vuelta a las seis?
  11. ¿ Podría cambiarme este billete?
  12. ¿Podría decirme el camino al aeropuerto?
  13. ¿Puedes echarme una mano con estas cajas?
  14. ¿Puedes decirme como se cambia el carrete a esta cámara?
  15. ¿Puede darme fuego?

3. Permission               CAN          COULD           MAY           BE ALLOWED TO

       -Can / Could / May       I / We  _________________? Yes/No _____can/can´t.

       Present                          am/is/are allowed to
       Past                                was/were allowed to
       Future                             will be allowed to
       Perfect                            have/has been allowed to
       Past Perfect                   had been allowed to

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of CAN/COULD/MAY/ BE ALLOWED TO.

    1. You _______________ sit here.
    2. My mother says I _______________ go out tonight.
    3. _______________ I have a glass of water, please?
    4. _______________ I come and see you tomorrow?
    5. __________ the children __________ go to the cinema tonight?
    6. _______________ I smoke in here?
    7. _______________ I have one of those cakes?
    8. _______________I ask you some questions?
    9. Visitors _______________ stay in the hospital after ten p. m.
  10. _______________ I use your phone?
  11. Guests _______________ wear casual dress in the last party.
  12. When I was at school we ______________ play football at break time.
  13. _______________ I have more food? No, you ______________.
  14. As a child I _______________ keep a pet mouse.
  15. I´ve never _______________ have a party at Christmas.
  16. __________ you __________ come to the cinema with us next Sunday?
  17. She _______________ (not ) marry by her parents.
  18. _________ you ___________ skate on the ice last winter?
  19. _______________ we have some more biscuits mum?
  20. __________ I have a word wioth you, please?

2. Read the situation and write what you would say.

    1. You want to borrow you friend´s camera. What do you say to him?
        __________ I ____________________________________________?
    2. You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift. What do you say?
        __________ I ____________________________________________?
    3. You´re telephoning the owner of a flat which was advertised in a newspaper.
        You are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today.
        __________ I _____________________________________________?
    4. You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette. What do you ask?
        __________ I _____________________________________________?
    5. You want to leave work early because you have some important things to do.
        What do you ask your boss?
        __________ I _____________________________________________?

4.Possibility                          MAY          MIGHT
1. Rewrite these sentences.

    1. Maybe he´ll get a new job.
    2. I think the car is in the station car park.
    3. Perhaps she´ll move to London.
    4. There´s a possibility that the show will be cancelled.
    5. Maybe she´ll be elected.
    6. I think that Andrew will collect the money.
    7. Maybe Peter won´t come school tomorrow.
    8. It is possible that it will rain this afternoon.
    9. I don´t think she is at home at the moment.
  10. Maybe there is some tea in the pot.

2. Translate these sentences into English.

    1. Puede que Tom llegue tarde hoy.
    2. Puede ser que no la veamos esta tarde.
    3. ¿Qué vas a comprar? Pudiera ser que me comprara unos zapatos.
    4. Coge un paraguas. Pudiera ser que lloviera hoy.
    5. Puede ser que Carlos viaje a París la próxima semana.
    6. ¿Sabes si están casados? No estoy seguro. Puede ser que sí.
    7. Pudiera ser que estuviera diciendo la verdad.
    8. Puede que Jack esté en su oficina.
    9. Puede que tu amigo no sea capaz de encontrar la casa.
  10. Puede ser que la reunión no sea el viernes porque el director está enfermo.

3. Complete the sentences with MAY or MIGHT + one of these verbs.

          BE                   HAVE TO              NOT WANT              NOT EAT                

    1. I forgot how careful Aunt Sally is about what she eats. She _______________
        spicy food.
    2. I wonder what time Carol will arrive. She said she ______________ late.
    3. I left a message for Diana. I wonder why she hasn´t phoned back yet.
        She _______________ to speak after our quarrel.
    4. Perhaps Guy won´t be able to go back to London tonight. He _____________
        _________ spend the night at a hotel.

5.Obligation                       MUST                      HAVE TO

    Present               must / have-has to
    Past                                had to
    Future                (must)  will have to
    Perfect                            have-has had to
    Past perfect                    had had to

6. Prohibition                    MUSTN´T

      LOSE          STICK             SMOKE         SHOUT               BORROW                  

                     WASTE                BE            TELL               FEED            DRIVE

   1. In Britain, you _______________ on the right.
   2. You ______________ the animals in the zoo.
   3. This is a secret. You ______________ anybody.
   4. I must hurry. I ________________ late.
   5. You ______________ in the classroom.
   6. You ________________ your tongue out at people.
   7. You ______________ my books without asking.
   8. This letter is very important. You ______________ it.
   9. The baby is asleep. You _______________.
 10. It hasn´t rained for ages, so you ______________ water.

2. Translate into English.

    1. No debo olvidar el cumpleaños de mi hermana.
    2. No debes perder ese libro. Me lo han prestado.
    3. No debes decirle a nadie lo que te he contado.

7. Absence of obligation                   NOT HAVE TO                NEEDN´T

A. Positive : Subject + need(s) to + INF.
     Negative : Subject + needn´t + INF.
                       Subject + don´t / doesn´t + need to + INF.
     Interrogative : Need + subject + INF. ?
                             Do / does + subject + need to + INF.?

  * NEEDN´T . : generally used when the situation does not require something  
                           to be done.

  * ( NOT )  NEED TO . : generally used when the speaker gives the authority
                                          for something not being done.


Present                             don´t / doesn´t have to
Past                                   didn´t have to
Future                                won´t have to
Perfect                               haven´t / hasn´t had to
Past Perfect                      hadn´t had to

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of NOT HAVE TO.

    1. The children are happy because they ___________ do any homework today.
    2. Why are you running home now? You _____________go home now.
    3. Why did you get up so early? You ______________ get up so early.
    4. She _____________ work so hard for these last two days.
    5. We ______________ come to school next Monday. It´s a holiday.
    6. It was a through train so they _____________ change.
    7. We had free tickets so we ______________ pay to get into the concert.
    8. It´s my day off so I ______________ get up early this morning.
    9. I´m extremely rich so I _____________ work.
  10. I _______________ wear a suit to work but I usually do.
  11. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I _____________ work.
  12. We ______________ leave now. We´ve got plenty of time.

2. Complete the conversations with MUSTN´T , NOT HAVE TO or NEEDN´T.

        A. Phil is going for a job interview soon. He´s talking to Jim about it.

              - I wish I ______________ go for this interview.
              - Why? You´ll be all right.
              - It´s all very well for you to talk, Jim. You _________ go for the interview.
              - Well, the main thing is, you ______________ get too worried about it.
                I´m sure you ______________ answer any really difficult questions.
              - Maybe not. But the silly thing is, I´m not even sure I want the job now.
              - Well, that´s something you can find out. After all, you ______________
                take the job, even it´s offered to you.

        B. A manager is talking to an employee.

              - John, you don´t look at all well.
              - I think I´ve got some kind of flu.
              - Well, you ________________ come this morning, really. We aren´t very
                busy. And people ______________ come to work if they don´t feel well.
              - Yes, I know I ______________ come to work. But I have an important
                report to write. I felt that I _______________ leave it any longer.
              - O.K. See how you feel today. But you ______________ come to work
                tomorrow if you still feel bad. Just take the day off.

3. Fill in the blanks with MUST, MUSTN´T or NEEDN´T.

    1. Shall I do the shopping now? No, you ________ do it now. You can do it later.
    2. We haven´t got much time. We __________ hurry.
    3. We´ve got plenty of time. We __________ hurry.
    4. Shall I clean the windows today? No, you __________ clean them today.
    5. Do you want me to wait for you? No, it´s okay. You __________ wait.
    6. Tom gave me a letter to post. I __________ forget to post it.
    7. Shall I type these letters now? No, you __________. You can type them later.
    8. You ______________ come if you don´t want to but I hope you will.
    9. What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? Well, It __________
       be big, that´s not important. But it _________ have a nice garden .
  10. We have enough food at home so we __________ go shopping today.
  11. This book is very valuable. You __________ look after it very carefully and
        you __________ lose it.
  12. Whatever you do, you __________ touch that switch. It´s dangerous.

8. Advice                             SHOULD                   OUGHT TO

1. Complete the sentences with SHOULD(N´T) + one of the following verbs.

          GO          VISIT          WEAR         SMOKE          WATCH        

                CLEAN                 READ           WATCH          DO             HAVE     

          DRIVE          SPEND          TAKE          MARRY          BE

    1. When you play tennis, you _______________ the ball.
    2. You look tired. You ______________ to bed.
    3. You _______________ so much. It´s bad for your health.
    4. You _______________ your teeth after every meal.
    5. The city museum is very interesting. You _____________ it.
    6. When you are driving, you _______________ a seat-belt.
    7. Children ______________ T.V. too much.
    8. They need a change. I think they ______________ a holiday.
    9. It´s a good book. You _______________ it.
  10. Do you think I _______________ an English course in Britain?
  11. I´ve got a terrible headache. You ______________ an aspirin.
  12. he´s a bad person. Sheila _____________ him.
  13. I thing the government _______________ money on arms.
  14. That suit is too big for you. It ______________ smaller.
  15. Drivers _______________ slower in cities.

3. Write sentences with SHOULD or OUGHT TO and the word(s) given.

    1. It´s past the children´s bedtime. ( IN BED )

    2. Can´t they see the "Non Smoking" sign? ( IN HERE )

    3. These windows are dirty. ( CLEAN / MORE OFTEN )

    4. Peter drives too fast. ( MORE CAREFULLY )

    5. He owes a lot of money. ( NOT LEND / ANY MORE )

    6. There won´t be much food at the party. ( TAKE / SOMETHING )

    7. I´m not sure what to wear at the wedding. ( A SUIT ? )

    8. He says he can get us what we want. ( PAY / NOW ? )

    9. The hotel is too expensive. ( NOT STAY )

  10. It´s their wedding anniversary next week. ( SEND / A PRESENT )

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form SHOULD / OUGHT TO, MUST or
    HAVE TO .

    1. They _______________ be arriving in a few hours.
    2. We _______________ go home at twelve because my mother wants the car.
    3. They insisted that we ______________ have a meal.
    4. There were no trains yesterday, so we ______________ go by car.
    5. I think you _____________ tell your parents that you´re going to be late.
    6. You _______________ never do that again!
    7. The manager suggested that we ______________ try to find another hotel.
    8. You ______________ see that film if you get the chance.
    9. Do you think we ______________ ask before we borrow the car?
  10. You ______________ come if you don´t want to.
  11. You ______________ be smoking at your age.
  12. He asked me anxiously what he ______________ do next.

9. Conclusion / Deduction                           MUST                   CAN´T

1. Complete this conversation , using the verbs in brackets together with MUST
    or CAN´T.

          Rose and Jack are discussing their new neighbours and trying to work out
          what sort of people they are.

    - He ( BE ) rich. There´s a big Volvo parked outside the gate.
    - But it ( BELONG ) to him. I saw hi driving a Mazda last night.
    - Look! There´s a woman getting out of a Mazda now! She ( BE ) his wife.
    - That means they ( HAVE ) one car each. They ( HAVE ) plenty of money.
      I wonder where they were living before they moved here.
    - They ( COME ) from Scotland. The removal van had the name of a Glasgow
      company on it.
      ( There is a knock at the door. Jack answers it. )
    - Hello. You ( BE ) our new neighbours. Come in.
    - No thanks, I won´t come in. But I wonder if you can help us? We ( GET ) all the
      keys of the house because we can´t open the door of one room...

2. Answer these questions using MUST or CAN´T.

    1. Is he British? Yes, he ________________________________________.
    2. Are they married? Yes, they ___________________________________.
    3. Does Ann know a lot of people? No, she _________________________.
    4. Do they have much money? No, they ____________________________.
    5. Are they waiting for somebody? Yes, they ________________________.

3. Complete these sentences with MUST or CAN´T + one suitable verb.

    1. You´ve been travelling all day. You _______________ tired.
    2. Brian has got 3 house, 6 cars and a yatch. He ____________ a lot of money.
    3. ( The doorbell rings.) I wonder who that is. It _________________ Jim.
        He said he would come after 7 o´clock and it´s only 6.30 now.
    4. I wonder why Tom isn´t at work today: I suppose he ________________ill.
    5. John seems to know a lot about history. He _______________ a lot of books.
    6. Jack´s putting on his hat and coat. He _______________ out.

3. Translate into English.

    1. ¿ Te apetece un poco mas de café?

    2. ¿ Te gustaría venir al cine esta noche ?

    3. ¿ Qué te apetece beber?

    4. ¿ Te apetece comer pescado mañana?

    5. ¿ Te gustaría ir a bailar el viernes por la noche?

4. Read the situation and make sentences.

    1. You want to invite someone to come and stay with you for the weekend.

    2. A friend has just come to see you in your flat. Offer him something to drink.

    3. There is a concert on tonight and you´re going with some friends. You think
        Tom would enjoy it too. Invite him.

    4. You are sitting in a crowded bus. There is an old lady standing. Offer her your

                                       MODAL VERBS IN THE PAST

                                       Modal verb + HAVE + Past Participle

1.  Ability                COULD + HAVE + P.P.

1. Translate these sentences into English.
    1. Podía haber venido al cine con nosotros pero decidió que no.
    2. Podía habernos ayudado pero no quiso.
    3. No pudo haberla llevado en coche a la estación porque no sabe conducir.
    4. Sue no pudo haber traducido ese artículo al español porque no lo sabe.
    5. John podía haber reparado la lavadora de la madre de Ken pero no quiso.

2. Possibility       COULD / MAY / MIGHT + HAVE + P.P.

1. Read the situation and write a sentence with COULD / MAY / MIGHT HAVE.
    Use the words given in brackets.

    1. I can´t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. ( might / go / shopping )

    2.  Sue went out two hour ago. I wonder where she was going.
        -( may / go to the theatre )
        -( could / go to a party )
    3. Why didn´t Tom answer the doorbell?I´m sure he was in the house at the time.
        -( may / go to bed early )
        -( might not / hear the bell )
        -( could / be in the bath )
    4. How do you think the fire started?
        -( someone / may / drop a cigarette)
        -( it / could / be an electric fault )
    5. I wonder why Ann didn´t come to the meeting.
        -( might / have to go somewhere else )
        -( may not / know about it )

3. Absence of obligation          NEEDN´T + HAVE + P.P.

1. Write DIDN´T NEED TO or NEEDN´T HAVE and the correct form of the verb
    to complete these sentences.

    1. I _______________ ( catch ) the bur this morning because Vic gave me a lift.
    2. I _______________ ( lend ) him that money. I found out later that he had
        already borrowed all the money he wanted.
    3. I _______________ ( do ) that homework. The teacher didn´t even look at it.
    4. I _______________ ( take ) a tent because I knew I could hire one at the
    5. You _________________ ( buy ) such an expensive present, but I´m very
        glad that you did.
    6. I ______________ ( take ) any money; they had already told me that it wasn´t
    7. I ______________ ( count ) the money; they had already told me that it was
        done automatically.
    8. I _______________ ( work ) so hard for my exams: they were much easier
        than I expected them to be.
    9. I _______________ ( get ) up so early; I had forgotten that  it was Sunday.
  10. I had some friends in the town, so I ______________ ( stay ) in a hotel.

2. Read the situation and write a sentence with NEEDN´T HAVE.

    1. Ann bought some eggs. When she got home, she found that she already had
        plenty of eggs.

    2. Tom went out and took an umbrella with him because he thought it was going
        to rain. But it didn´t rain.

    3. Jack got very angry with Jill and threw a book at her. Later Jill said: " I know
        that you were very angry but ...

    4. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won a lot of
        money in a competition.

4. Advice          SHOULD / OUGHT TO + HAVE + P.P.

1. Read the situation and make sentences with SHOULD HAVE.

    1. When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We hadn´t reserved

    2. We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn´t
        brought anything with us to eat.

    3. I went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn´t go to see him while I was
        there. When I saw him later he said...

    4. The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove into the back
        of his car. It wasn´t my fault.

    5. The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the

5. Deduction          MUST / CAN´T + HAVE + P.P.

1. Read the situation and write a sentence with MUST HAVE or CAN´T HAVE.
    Use the word in brackets.
    1. The phone rang but I didn´t hear it. ( be asleep )

    2. That dress you bought is very good quality. ( be very expensive )

    3. I haven´t seen Jim for ages. ( go away )

    4. I wonder where my umbrella is. ( you / leave / it on the train )

    5. Don passed the examination.He didn´t study very much for it. ( the exam / be /
        very difficult )

    6. She knew everything about our plans. ( listen to our conversation )

    7. Dennis did the opposite of what I asked him to do. ( understand  what I said )

    8. When I woke up this morning, the light was on. ( forget to turn it off )

    9. I don´t understand how the accident happened. ( the driver / see the red light )

Write  COULD, MUST, SHOULD, MIGHT or CAN´T in the past tense.

    1. How did you know about the wedding? Someone __________ ( tell ) you.
    2. The money was on the desk. I ________________ ( take ) it, but I didn´t.
    3. I know you were angry, but you ___________________ ( not be ) so rude.
    4. I don´t know who sent these flowers; it __________________ ( be ) Jane.
    5. She _______________ ( not move ) abroad; she hates foreign countries.
    6. ____________ you __________ ( not be ) a little more polite?
    7. They ____________ ( not know ) about the plans for the new factory. It´s not
    8. I think you __________ ( tell ) your parents you were going to be late. They
       were very worried.
    9. They __________ ( not get ) into the house through a window; they were all
  10. They ___________________ ( not leave ) without being seen by anybody.
  11. I _____________________ ( go ) for a swim if I´d wanted to.
  12. You ______________________ ( apologize ) for being late.
  13. We don´t know who took the money. The office was full of people and it ____
        ______________  ( be ) any of them.
  14. I ______________________________ ( not say ) such a terrible thing.
  15. I __________ ( not leave ) my keys at home. I´m sure they were in my pocket.
  16. He ________________ ( warn ) us that he was going to leave the job.
  17. She tried to contact me , but the phone _______________ ( be ) engaged.
  18. He __________ ( not know ) about her illness. Nobody had told him about it.
  19. I don´t know who wrote the letter. It __________ ( not be ) Mrs. Johnson, as
        she wasn´t in the office that day.
  20. I´m sorry, I _______________ ( let ) you know what was happening.

                                                 MODAL VERBS


    1. It´s warm, you _______________wear a coat.
    2. "Tomorrow I´ll start work at seven." " Then you _______________ get up  
    3. Nobody answers the phone. He _______________ be at home.
    4. You _______________ smoke in class.
    5. "The waiter told me I _______________ pay the bill." " I paid it before leaving."

   HAVE TO, HAD TO OR DIDN´T HAVE TO.                            

    1. Tomorrow is Sunday. He _______________ get up early.
    2. I met Ann in town, so I _______________ phone her.
    3. The meeting ______________ be postponed because it´s raining.
    4.  He was very late. I _______________ wait for a long time.
    5. "You speak Italian very well." " Wonderful. I _______________ study any


    1. He said he ____________________ climb up to the window.
    2. I ___________________ finish my homework yet.
    3. They ____________________ arrive on time tomorrow morning.

    1. I´ll______________see you tomorrow.
    2. He_______________work since his illness.
    3. I__________never__________lift a weight.
    4. Will she_______________come to the office tomorrow?
    5. When they came back from Paris, they_______________speak perfect


    1. Lights are off. They_____be at home.  ( MUST / USED TO / CAN´T  /
         OUGHT TO )
    2. Can´t they see the "No Smoking" sign? They_____smoke in here.
    3. It´s very late._____we get a taxi? ( SHALL / MUST / USED TO / NEEDN´T )
    4. I_____work in a factory before I became a teacher. ( SHOULD / SHALL /   
        CAN´T / USED TO )
    5. He´s older than his sister. So he_____be twenty. ( USED TO / SHOULD /
        MUST / CAN´T )
    6. _____I come and see you tomorrow? ( SHOULD / MAY / NEED / WOULD )
    7. You_____wait if you don´t want to. ( MIGHT / ARE ABLE TO / MUST /
        NEEDN´T )
    8. "I´ve got a terrible backache." " You_____see the doctor."
    9. He left half an hour ago. The he_____be home at eight.
       ( CAN´T / MUST / USED TO / MUSTN´T )
   10. Last year Sheila_____visit her old aunt twice a week.
       ( SHALL / CAN / OUGHTN´T TO / USED TO )


    1. You__________get a passport before you go abroad next month.
    2. I´ve told the children that they__________come home before ten
       on Saturday nights.
    3. You__________borrow my books without asking.
    4. The teacher says we__________go to school tomorrow. I think I shall go.
    5. You__________work here to be able to use the library.

    ( NOT ) HAVE TO .

    1. __________you __________do the military service in your country when you
       were young?
    2. Joan_______________get up early on Mondays. It´s her day off.
    3. The teacher told us that we_______________work harder.
    4. He´s been ill. He_______________stay in bed since last month.
    5. I_______________catch the bus this morning because Vic gave me a lift.


    1. It will probably rain this afternoon.
        It ___________________________________________________.

    2. What about having lunch at a Chinese restaurant?
    3. Do you think I could have one of these sandwiches?

    4. There is a possibility that the show will be cancelled.
        The show ____________________________________________.

    5. She´s likely to move to London.
        She ________________________________________________.


    1. He has a very bad cold. He_______________go to the doctor.
    2. I haven´t many people for lunch. You______________help me.
    3. She has won the Pulitzer Prize. She_______________be intelligent.
    4. You_______________take extra vitamins because you don´t eat fruit.
    5. Excuse me, _______________i take your newspaper?  Yes, of course.
    6. You _______________ answer these questions. ( obligation )
    7. You _______________ feed the animals in the zoo. ( prohibition )
    8. Excuse me, _______________ I smoke here? ( asking for permission )
    9. The food _______________ taste good because it smells good. ( deduction )
  10. It´s late, you _______________ go home. ( advice )


    1. Have you got any home work to do? Yes, but I _______________do it now.
    2. I´ve got a very important exam tomorrow morning. I _______________ be
    3. You _______________ go to bed now if you have to get up early.
    4. It´s your mother´s birthday next week. You _______________ forget it.
    5. That shirt isn´t dirty. You _______________ wash it.



           CAN     COULD     BE ABLE TO     MUST     HAVE TO    NEEDN´T

    1. John, the famous tennis player, ______________win three matches for the
        last two days.      
    2. You_______________come if you don´t want to but I hope you will.
    3. He may_______________wait for her at the airport.
    4. The fish is not fresh. It__________taste nice.
    5. I´ve lost my credit card. I_______________put in touch with the bank right


    1. It´s impossible that it´s a real diamond ring.
        It ___________________________________________________.

    2. I´m certain that Sue was invited to the party.
       Sue _________________________________________________.
    3. He advised me not to stay out in the sun for too long.
       He said ______________________________________________.

    4. I wasn´t able to concentrate on the lesson.
        I ___________________________________________________.

    5. You don´t have to answer just now if you don´t want to.
        You ________________________________________________.


    1. They__________from Scotland. The removal van has the name of a Glasgow  
         company on it. ( COME-conclusion )
    2." Do you know Sean has had a car accident?" " Oh, really? I__________this
         afternoon. ( PHONE-sudden decision )
    3. When you set off for a long journey, you__________oil and brakes.
        ( CHECK- advice )
    4. At the first school I went to, we__________our sums using pencil and paper.
        Now they use pocket calculators. ( D0-habit in the past )

    5. "I´ve seen Peter and Jean together a lot recently." "Yes, I think they ________
         ____________ married." ( GET -evidence )



Must + have + past participle : it expresses deduction in the past.

Mary is very sensitive. She must have passed a bad time when her child got sick.

Can’t + have + past participle : it expresses impossibility (negative deduction) in the past.

Mary is very sensitive. She can’t have passed a good time when her child got sick.

Should (not) + have + past participle : it expresses regret about something we did wrong in the past. 
You should have apologized your parents but you did not pay attention to me.

You shouldn’t have gone so early last night. –

It can also express probability about something we expected to happen but we are not sure if it has already happened.

They should have arrived by now, but I don’t know if they have.

Or to express that the expected action has not occurred in fact.

They should have arrived but they are not here yet.

Could + have + past participle : a possible action in the past that was not fulfilled.

 I could have passed my exam but I didn’t study enough.

NOTE: compare it with this: I couldn’t study so I didn’t pass my exam.

( It was impossible for me to study )

May/might + have + past participle : it expresses possibility in the past.

I have been phoning John all afternoon and he was not there.

He may have left home earlier. (Maybe, he left before) –

We can also express possibility about something that didn’t really happened in the past (Only with might).

 Why did you drive so fast? You might have crashed.

 Needn’t + have + past participle : it says that we did something although it was not necessary to be done.

You needn’t have come. Why have you done it?

NOTE: compare it with this: You didn’t need to come, so you didn’t do it. 

1. Possibly she isn’t John’s sister.
2. Perhaps we will go on a pilgrimage next month.
3. She was able to read when she was two.
4. It is not necessary for you to pay the bill.
5. I am certain that they have already left.
6. I was in the habit of going for a walk every morning when I was in Singapore.
7. It is probable that he will pass his driving test easily.
8. Perhaps he forgot to bring the book.
9. Nobody answered the phone; perhaps they have gone out.
10. I am certain that he is over sixty.
11. It was not necessary for them to buy a new car but they bought it.

  1. If I were you I would tell him the truth. 
  2. It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.
  3. I'm sure he didn't lock the door. He never does.
  4. Ann finished the project on her own although it wasn't necessary to do so.
  5. Perhaps John knew about the trip, but I'm not sure.
  6. I'm sure John locked the office before leaving. He always does.
  7. I think Mary is probably at home because the windows are open.
  8. Perhaps we'll go swimming tomorrow.
  9. It was a mistake to sell the house. I wish I hadn't.
  1.   Is it possible that he spoke to her this morning?                        
  2.   Perhaps they're working outside in the garden.
  3.   I'm sure she isn't ill; she was fine when I saw her last night.
  4.   You were wrong to shout at your brother.
  5.  It's been impossible for me to find the time to write.
  6.  The pupils in this school are required to wear a uniform.
  7.  It's possible that the plane has already left.
  8. I'm sure the cake has been eaten.

 I wish y If only

I wish y If only son estructuras que se usan en inglés para expresar deseos. Ambas significan lo mismo "ojalá que" si bien el uso de I wish es más común. A continuación veremos cuándo utilizar cada una de ellas. Después podréis hacer un ejercicio para practicar. 

1. I wish / if only + sujeto + WOULD + infinitivo sin to 

Esta estructura se usa cuando deseamos que:

- algo ocurra o una situación cambie. 
I wish the train would arrive (ojalá llegue el tren)
If only it would stop snowing (ojalá deje de nevar)
-alguien haga algo o cambie algo que nos molesta (y que esa persona no tiene intención de cambiar)
I wish the neighbours would stop making so much noise (ojalá los vecinos dejen de hacer tanto ruido)
I wish you wouldn't leave your room so untidy (ojalá no dejes tu habitación tan desordenada)
I wish you would stop smoking (ojalá dejes de fumar) 

→ El uso de esta estructura tiene un matiz de futuro. 
→ La usamos para hablar de acciones son habituales.
No es común utilizar I wish I would puesto que si algo nos molesta y depende de nosotros, podemos cambiarlo. 
I wish I would go homo now (ojalá me fuera a casa) →  no tendría sentido quejarnos por esta situación porque está en nuestra mano realizar la acción de irnos a casa.

2. I wish / if only + sujeto + verbo en PASADO SIMPLE 
Usamos esta estructura para quejarnos o lamentarnos de una situación PRESENTE por no ser ésta como nosotros queremos que sea. 

If only I could swim (ojalá supiera nadar) 
(but I can't swim) (pero no puedo nadar) 

I wish I knew the answer (ojalá supiera la respuesta) 
(but I don't know the answer) (pero no sé la respuesta) 

I wish we had lots of money (ojalá tuvieramos mucho dinero) 
(but we haven't got lots of money) (pero no tenemos mucho dinero)

→ Como veis escribimos pasado simple pero se traduce como un subjuntivo y hace referencia al presente. 
→ Podemos user were en lugar de was con I, he, she, it

I wish I were famous = I wish I was famous (ojalá fuera famoso) 
= (but I am not famous) (pero no soy famoso)
I wish the weather weren't rainy = I wish the weather wasn't rainy (ojalá no lloviera) 
= (but it is rainy) (pero llueve)

3. I wish / if only + sujeto + verbo en PASADO PERFECTO 
Usamos esta estructura cuando queremos lamentarnos o expresar un deseo sobre una situación o acción del pasado. Es como el condicional de tercer tipo, nos lamentamos de situaciones respecto a las cuales no podemos hacer nada. 

I wish I had passed all my exams (ojalá hubiera aprobado todos mis exámenes) 
(but I didn't pass) (pero no los aprobé)
I wish I had been able to buy tickets for that concert (ojalá hubiera podido comprar entradas para ese concierto) 
(but I couldn't) (pero no pude)

If only he had told me the truth (ojalá me hubiera dicho la verdad
(but he didn't tell me the truth ) (pero no me dijo la verdad)

I wish I hadn't met him (ojalá no lo hubiera conocido) 
(but I met him) (pero lo conocí)

I wish puede sustituirse con otros sujetos. En estos casos podemos optar por traducciones como "lamentar" o "desear". 
He wishes he were famous (él lamenta no ser famoso) (él desería ser famoso) 
She wishes she had haver met him (ella lamenta haberlo conocido) (ella desearía no haberle conocido)

They wish you would stop smoking (ellos desean que dejes de fumar) 

I wish y If only son estructuras que se usan en inglés para expresar deseos. Ambas significan lo mismo "ojalá que" si bien el uso de I wish es más común. A continuación veremos cuándo utilizar cada una de ellas. Después podréis hacer un ejercicio para practicar. 

                    CONDITIONAL SENTENCES

Tipo 1: Condiciones que son siempre ciertas (A) o muy probables en el presente o en el futuro (B).

A         If                     Present form                    Present form or imperative
B                                 Present form                         Future form or imperative

e.g.      A         When you put salt on ice, it melts.
                        If you see her, give her my love.
            B         If I leave now, I´ll miss the rush hour.

Tipo 2: Condiciones que son improbables o imposibles en el presente o el futuro.

If         Past Simple or                                  would, could, might + infinitive
            Past Continuous

e.g.      If you met the President, what would you say to him?
            If they lived a bit nearer we might see them more often.

Tipo 3: Condiciones irreales en el pasado.Hipótesis.

If         Past perfect simple               would/should/could/might + have + past participle
            or Continuous

e.g.      If the telephone hadn´t woken me, I´d have been late for my appointment.
            She could have gone to university if she´d wanted to.

Mixed Conditionals: Condiciones en el pasado con un resultado presente o futuro.

e.g.      If they hadn´t agreed to baby sit, they´d be here.
            You might be a star now if you´d got that part in the film.
            If she hadn´t decided to change jobs, she would be going to China next month.

Nexos de Condicionales: Además de If, los siguientes nexos pueden ser empleados para  introducir oraciones condicionales:

Unless (If not):                                  A menos que            

As/so long as                                    
Providing/provided (that)                Siempre que, con tal que

Suppose/supposing (that) :              Suponiendo que       
On condition (that):                         A condición de que

Wish and If only

Wish and ‘If only’ are both used to talk about regrets – things that we would like to change either about the past or the present.

Talking about the present

  • If only I didn’t have so much homework I could go to the concert tonight. She has a lot of homework and she can’t go to the concert.
  • I wish you didn’t live so far away.
  • I wish I knew what to do.
When we talk about present regrets, both wish and if only are followed by the past simple tense. The past tense emphasises that we are talking about something ‘unreal’.

Talking about the past

  • I wish I’d studied harder when I was at school. He didn’t study harder when he was at school.
  • I wish I hadn’t eaten all that chocolate. I feel sick.
  • If only I’d known you were coming.
Both wish and if only are followed by the past perfect tense when we talk about past regrets.

Wish/if only and would

We use wish + would to talk about something in the present that we would like to change – usually something that we find annoying.

  • I wish you wouldn’t borrow my clothes without asking.
  • I wish it would rain. The garden really needs some water.
  • I wish you’d give up smoking. it’s really bad for you.

Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.

     He can’t find his wallet so he’s angry.

(Second conditional) If he could find his wallet, he wouldn’t be angry.

1   In order to lose weight you need to

     exercise more.

     (First conditional) If you want ………………


2   He may be late, but he can meet us at the Blue Note café.

     (First conditional) If he’s ……………………


3   An old woman saw him burgle the house. That’s why he’s in prison.

     (Third conditional) If she hadn’t ……………


4   He wants to be rich and famous. Then he’ll be happy.

     (Second conditional) If he was ………………


5   Dave fell asleep so he missed the end of

     the film.

     (Third conditional) If he hadn’t ……………...
      Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.

a)      Unless we book in advance, we won´t get a table at that restaurant. (if)

We won´t get a table at that restaurant ____________________ book in advance.

b)      If he doesn´t study harder, he won´t pass the exam (unless)

He won´t pass the exam ____________________ harder.

c)      You´ll only find the disco if you follow my directions exactly. (unless)

You won´t find the disco ____________________ my directions exactly.

d)     Unless you´ve got a car, you won´t be able to go to that restaurant in the country. (if)

You won´t be able to go to that restaurant in the country ____________________

e)      Unless I have a glass of water, I´ll faint. (If)

I´ll faint ____________________ a glass of water.

f)       If it doesn´t rain, we can have a picnic. (unless).

We can have a picnic ____________________ rains.



A)The Present Simple

·         Forma
Afirmativa: ojo a la 3ª sing.I/ you/ we/ they /He/ she/
 live in Huelvalives in Huelva ( “ s” “ es”)
Negativa: ojo auxiliar.I/ you/ we / they/He/ she/
 Don´t live in Huelva.Doesn´t live in Huelva.
Interrogativa: ojo al orden :Do I/ you/ we/ they Does he/ she
Aux + sujeto + verbo....?Live in Huelva?Live in Huelva?
Errores comunes: Mary live in Huelva    7                              I no live in Huelva     7
·   1. Acciones habituales o rutina diaria.Helen goes shopping on Saturdays. Helen va de compra los Sábados. 2. Hecho o verdades generales.The sun sets in the west. El sol se pone por el oeste. 3. Situaciones Permanentes o acciones que ocurren o no periódicamnte.Jane likes coffee. A Jane le gusta el café. 4. Para hablar de sucesos futuros fijados como en horarios o programas. ( cines, teatro,etc)The next train to Barcelona leaves at 8.30. El próximo tren para Barcelona sale a las 8,30.* What do you do? I´m a doctor. 
B) Present Continuous
·         Forma: Be ( am, is , are) + V-ing
Afirmativa:    I  You/ we/ they /He/ she/
Am  playing footballAre playing footballIs playing football
Negativa: I You/ we / they/He/ she/
Am not playing. ( = ´m not)Are not playing. ( = aren´t)Is not playing. ( = isn´t)
Interrogativa:  Am IAre / you/ we/ they Is  he/ she
Playing football?Playing football?Playing  football?
Errores comunes:  I playing football  7
 ·         Usos.1.               Acciones que ocurren en el momento de hablar. Aparecen expresiones como now, at the moment...I am playing football now. Ahora estoy jugando al ... 2.               Planes futuros que han sido confirmados o acciones fijadas. Suele aparecer una expresión de tiempo concreta.She´s meeting me this afternoon. Se va a reunir conmigo esta tarde.( casi = be + going to). 3.               Para hablar de estado temporales que están sucediendo no exactamente en el momento de hablar.I´m studying Italian this course. Este curso estoy... 4.               Para acciones repetidas y monótonas mostrando cierta queja ( + always).He´s always complaining. Siempre se está quejando.·         Ojo que hay verbos que no suelen usarse en presente continuo: know, like, want, hate, love, need, cost,....(verbos relacionados con las emociones y los sentimientos; la opinión; la percepción y los sentidos; los precios y las medidas y la posesión) ·         Ojo a la pregunta What are you doing? Que traducimos por ¿ Qué haces o qué estás haciendo?. Contestamos con la actividad que estamos realizando. 
C) Simple Past
·         Forma: Verbo regular + ed / Verbo irregular= estudiar.
Afirmativa: todas las personas + played football yesterday
Negativa: didn´t + Verbo infinitivo: didn´t play
Interrogativa: Did + personas + Verbo en infinitivo?
 ·         Usos.1.               Acciones pasadas que tuvieron lugar en un momento determinado. Expresión de tiempo pasado.I didn´t work yesterday. No trabajé ayer. 2.               Hechos pasados que ocurrieron consecutivamente..He got up, washed his faced and got dressed. Se levantó, se lavó la cara y se vistió. 3.               Para expresar una acción corta en el pasada que interrumpe una actividad más lasrga que estba en proceso.When I was studying, the phone rang. 4.               Con un período de tiempo + Ago.I lived in Madrid three years ago. Viví en Madrid hace tres años.5.               Te aconsejo que recuerdes aquí la forma Used to ( solía). 
D) Past Continuous
·         Forma: was / were + Verbo-ing
Afirmativa: I/ he / she was . Resto con were
Negativa: wasn´t/ weren´t + Verbo ing.
Interrogativa: Was/ were + personas + Verbo-ing?
 ·         Usos.1.               Para describir una actividad que ocurrió en un momento específico del pasado.At 7 o´clock I was having breakfast. A las ocho esta desayunando. 2.               Para describir una actividad interrumpida por una acción más corta. Suele aparecer When;  while para unir  acciones simutáneas.When I was having breakfast, the phone rang. Cuando estaba desayunando, sonó el teléfono. 3.               Para describir una escena al narrar una historia.The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Brillaba el sol y cantaban los pájaros.4.          Para acciones repetidas y monótonas. Denotando que nos                                                                                                                        desagradaban. ·         Ojo a la traducción. Es Posible el pretérito imperfecto castellano (amaba,corría...)
E) The Present Perfect ( Pretérito Perfecto )
·         Forma: has/have + Verbo en Participio pasado 
Afirmativa: Has (= ´s)para 3ª sing. y Have ( =´ve) resto. I / you/ we/ they have done this exercise.He/ she has done this exercise. ( Ha hecho....)
Negativa: Has not (hasn´t) y Have not (haven´t).I / you/ we/ they haven´t done this exercise.He/ she hasn´t done this exercise. ( No ha hecho....)
Interrogativa: Has/ have + persona + Verbo participio pasado.Have you done the exercise? ¿ Has hecho el ejercicio?
  ·         Usos.  1.               Para expresar una acción ocurrida en el pasado, cuyos resultados o efectos pertenecen o afectan al presente.He´s lost the key. Ha perdido la llave .( la perdió en el pasado y como consecuencia , ahora no puede abrir la puerta). Aparece mucho este contexto en “ noticias”. 2.               Para hablar de acciones recientes. Suele aparecer la partícula Just. ¡ ojo! Se traduce por Acabar just done an exam. Acabo de hacer el examen. 3.               Con las partículas Yet ( afirmativa-interrogativa) y Already ( afirmativa ) cuando queremos saber si algo ha ocurrido Ya o no.-          Has the postman come yet?. ¿ Ha venido ya el ...?-          I´ve already eaten. Ya he comido 4.               Con las particulas Ever y Never para describir experiencias.Have you ever been to Paris?. ¿ Has estado alguna vez...? 5.               Para describir acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente. Suelen aparecer  las preposiciones de tiempo For y Since y periodos de tiempo que no han terminado aín, como today, this week, this month, this year, etc. ¡ ojo! A la traducción con For :-          llevar + período de tiempo.-          Hace + período de tiempo + que + presente.-          Presente + desde hace + período de tiempo. She´s had the car for six months = tiene el coche desde hace seis meses.                   Con Since:-          presente + desde + punto de comienzo de la acción.-          Llevo + desde + punto de comienzo de la acción.I´ve been here since yesterday. Llevo aquí desde ayer. 6.               En las expresiones It´s the first/second/third,  y con un superlativo.It´s the first time I´ve seen this film. Es la primera vez que veo esta película. 
F) Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
·         Forma: Has / Have been + Verbo-ing 
Afirmativa: I ´ve been running/   she has been crying
Negativa: I haven´t been living here for a long time
Interrogativa: Have you been crying?
 ·         Uso:  Solemos traducir por Llevar o Ha estado.... 1.               Para hablar de una actividad que empezó en el pasado y continúa en el presente. Se resalta la duración de la actividad.We´ve been living here since 1980. Llevamos viviendo aquí desde 1980.2.               Para hablar de acciones pasadas que acaban de concluir, cuyos efectos aún se hacen sentir en el presente.I´ve been washing my hair. Me he estado lavando el pelo. 3.               Para hablar de una acción que empezó en el pasado y puede haber acabado recientemente.The dog´s been barking all night. El perro ha estado ladrando toda la noche. 
G) Past Perfect ( Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto).
 ·         Forma: Had + Verbo participio pasado ( todas las personas) 
Afirmativa: I had finished lunch when...
Negativa: I had not (hadn´t) finished  lunch when...
Interrogativa: Had I finished lunch....?
 ·         Usos.1.               Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron con anterioridad a otra acción o tiempos pasados.The plane had landed when we arrived. El avión había aterrizado cuando llegamos. ( La segunda acción suele ir en pasado simple). 2.               Para hacer referencia a un momento pasado y no tanto a la acción.At 8 o´clock they still hadn´t arrived. A las ocho aún no habían llegado. 3.               Con Just para expresar acciones que acababan de ocurrir.When we got there the train had just left. Cuando llegamos, el tren acababa de salir. 4.               En la expresión If only/ I wish para expresar pesar o lamento sobre el pasado. Traducimos por Ojalá.I wish I had done my homework . Ojalá hubiera hecho mis deberes.5.               En la condicional irreal/imposible.If we had saved more money,....Si hubiéramos ahorrado.... H) Past Perfect Continuous ( Pretérito Perfecto Continuo) ·         Forma: Had been V-ing ( todas personas)·         Usos.1.               Para hablar de algo que se estuvo desarrollando en el pasado hasta un momento determinado, también pasado.He had been running for 24 hours when he collapsed. ( llevaba corriendo 24 horas cuando se desplomó). 2.               Para subrayar la duración de una acción que ocurrió en el pasado antes que otra.She was so tired because she had been studying all night. ( Estaba tan cansada porque había estado estudiando toda la noche). ·         Ojo: la técnica de traducción cuando aparecen partículas, es similar al del Present perfect continuous, pero en pasado.  
I) El Futuro Simple
 ·         Forma: Will + Verbo todas las personas 
Afirmativa: Jane will be 16 next month.
Negativa: She will not ( = won´t) be 16
Interrogativa: Will you write to me?
 ·         Uso1.               Para expresar certeza en el futuro.He will be 16 next week. Cumplirá 16 la semana que viene. 2.               Para expresar predicción sobre hechos futuros futuro.I´ll see him tomorrow. Lo veré mañana.( suele aparecer expresiones del tipo “ I´m not sure, I think, probably). 3.               Para hacer promesas.             I´ll write to you. Te escribiré. 4.               Para hacer ofrecimientos ( nos ofrecemos a hacer algo) o solicitar algo ( aquí decir ¿ quieres, te importa...)I´ll stay with you if you like. Me quedaré contigo si quieres.Will you lend me 5 pounds? ¿ Me prestas...? ·         Ojo:  Shall I ....?: siempre en 1ª persona.Shall I carry that? ¿ Te llevo eso? 5.               Para cuando uno toma una decisión repentina en el momento que está hablando.It´s raining. I´ll take a taxi. 6.               En la condicional primera o posible.If it is sunny, I will go to the beach. Si hace sol iré a la playa. Es conveniente repasar aquí la estructura GOING TO + Infinitivo ( que traducimos por la expresión - Ir a- ) que también se usa para expresar el futuro: 1.               Para hablar de nuestras intenciones o planes en un futuro próximo: They are going to get married in May. Se van a casar en Mayo.  2.                Look at the sky. It´s going to rain. Va a llover .(Para hacer predicciones de futuro a través de hechos evidentes en el presente,es decir, cuando queremos decir que algo va a suceder con toda seguridad evidentemente en un futuro cercano) 3.               m going to take the “ Selectividad” exam . (Para indicar que algo está a punto de ocurrir). 
J) Future Continuous
 ·         Forma : will be + V-ing 
Se usa para hablar de acciones que se pondrán en marcha en un momento determinado del futuro , es decir, para expresar lo que estárá ocurriendo en un momento determinado del futuro:
                At this time next week we´ll be flying over the Atlantic. A esta hora, la semana que viene estaremos volando... 
En este uso debes prestar atención a las expresiones de tiempo: “ At this time tomorrow, , in five months, by 7 o´clock , by the end of ...”
K) Future Perfect ( Futuro Compuesto)
 ·         Forma : will have + Verbo participio pasado. 
Las oraciones negativas e interrogativas se forman igual que el futuro simple, es decir, “ Won´t” para las negativas y “ Will you have...? para las interrogativas.
 ·         Uso. 1.               Para indicar que una acción habrá terminado en un momento determinado o concreto  del futuro.Ejemplo: I´ll have finished it by next week. Para la semana que viene ya habré terminado. 
L) Conditional
 ·         Forma: Would + Verbo infinitivo todas personasAfiirmativa: I would go = I´d go.Negativa: I would not go = I wouldn´t goInterrogativa: Would I go...? ·         Uso.1.               En la segunda condicional segunda.If I she lived abroad, she would be sad. Si viviera en el extranjero, estaría triste. 2.               Con la exoresión I wish/ if only para decir que nos gustaría fuera diferente o que sucediera más.If only it would stop raining. Ojalá dejara de llover. 
M) Conditional Perfect
 ·         Forma: would have + Verbo participio pasado·         Uso.Normalmente en la tercera condicional.If I....................., I would have passed the exam. Si hubiera.....habría aprobado el examen.  
 1.        Recuerda que USED TO + V se usa para describir hábitos pasados o acciones que se repetían en el pasado. Se traducue por “ solía” o poniendo en pretérito imperfecto el verbo que lo sigue: - She used to dream ( Solía soñar). Fíjate que al usar la negativa y la interrogativa usamos Did y el verbo Used to ya no debe ir en pasado. Would puede sustituir a used to sólo  cuando se refiere a acciones repetidas: When he was a child he would go skating ( cuando era niño iba a patinar...) 2.        BE USED TO + V-ing significa “ esatr acostumbrado a”: Fampuspeople are used to receiving letters from their fans ( Los famosos están acostumbrados a recibir cartas ...). 3.        GET USED TO + Ving se refiere al proceso de acostumbrarse: The singer is getting used to the cameras ( el cantante se está acostumbrando a las cámaras) OBSERVACIONES  ALUMNOS:  Te recomiendo que vayas repasando la lista de verbos irregulares que aparecen en la página 128 e incluso añadir los que no vengan ahí. 


1.What is the price of this disc? (How much …)How much does this disc 
 2.She doesn’t ski at all. (never)She never
3.That bicycle isn’t mine. (to me)T
4.It’s all the same to me. (make a difference)It doesn’t make a difference to
5.They can’t find their notes. (looking for)
.6.I became very ill during my visit to my grandmother. (while)I became very
 i7.Martin never misses a football match. (always)Martin always watches a
8.Is that ring yours? (belong)Does that ring belong toTENS  you?
9.Sally baked the cake before 3 o’clock.(By 3 o’clock)By 3 o’clock Sally ha
10.What weight are you?(how much)
11.The last time I saw Brian was three months ago. (for)I haven’t seen Brian
 12.Jimmy hurt himself during a football match. (while)Jimmy hurt himself while he
13.First Katherine passed her driving test. Then she bought a car.(after)After
14.How long have you known Sarah? (meet)
 15.I’m not hungry, thank you. (eat)
16.What’s your opinion about exams?(think)
17.What are his plans this evening? (do)
18.I don’t think that he’s being honest. (lie)
19.Our visitors arrived during my favourite TV programme. (while)While I was wat
20.Alice is planning to play tennis from 8 o’clock until 10 this evening. (at9 o’clock this evening?Alice will be playing tennis at 9 o’clock

.21.Diana fell asleep at 10 o’clock. Her sister arrived home at midnight.(by the time)
 22.The tickets aren’t expensive. (cost)The tickets don’t cost very much
.23.Patrick has worked here for many years. (many years ago)Patrick started
24.The plane will land at 7.30. (by 7.30)By 7.30 the plane will have landed.
25.The last time I was in Venice was in 1998. (since)I h
26.She rarely visits her grandparents. (very often)She doesn’t visit her grandparents  
27.It was not the first time Joe called me. (already)Joe had already called
28.Next year, I will pass my driving test. (By the end of this year)B
.29.The last time I skied was in 1999. (since)
.30.Kate called me in the middle of my shower. (while)Kat
e called me while I r.
31.Are you the owner of that car? (own)Do you own that car?
32.He left an hour before we arrived. (By the time)By the time we arrived, he had
 33.He fell during his performance. (while)He fell while he was p
34.What is the price of this belt? (cost)
35.They haven’t cooked anything yet. (Nothing)Nothing has been cooked
36.When did you start studying English? (How long)How long have you studied
37. Bill listened to the disc. Then he went to the band’s concert. (After)After Bill had
 38.I met Jane five years ago. (known)I have known Jane for five years.
39.Visiting our friends in the country is a rare occurrence. (see)Werarely see our  
40.They are in the middle of supper. Right now, theya(have)re

 41.In my opinion, she isn’t beautiful. (not think)
.42.She’s not working today because it’s Saturday. (not go)Shedoesn’t go to work   
43.We don’t have anything special planned for this weekend. (do)Wearen’t
.44.My neighbours own that van. (belong)That vanbelongs to my neighbo
45.What’s the matter? (cry)Whyare you crying?
46.I met Simon two months ago. (known)
47.She began working here a year ago, and she still works here.(been)She has been  
48.We haven’t been to New York since 1998.The last time we went to New York was
49.First, Martine looked in her purse. The, she searched her pockets.After Martine  
50.He hasn’t smoked for three weeks. (ago)He stop

51.What is the price of this pen? (cost)
52.How long have you known this? (find out)
53.I know him well. I met him three years ago. (known)I have known him for three  
54.Sue finished the exam. Then the bell rang.When Sue had finished the exam, the 
  55.Matt intends to visit Malta this year. (going)Matt is going to visit Malta this
56.I began working at 11 o’clock and I still haven’t finished. (since)I have been  
57.First Jane found a flat she liked. Then she looked for a flatmateAfter Jane
58.Who owns this dog? (belong
59.I started working here five years ago. (for)I have been working here for five
 60.When did you start studying English?How long have you been studying?

61.Is this belt more expensive than that one?Does that belt cost more than that
 62.First we had lunch. Then we had a long rest.Afterwe had had lunch, we had a  
63.We started working two hours ago and we haven’t stopped since then.(for)W
64.First he tried the jeans on. Then he bought them.Afterhe had tried the jeans
 65.Joanne went to sleep three hours ago and she is still sleeping. (for three hours) 
66.When did you start working here?How longha

To write a good summary it is important to understand the text, so you may need to read it several times. Once you have done that, follow these tips:
Ø  Highlight/Underline the main ideas in the text. They do not always come at the beginning of the text.
Ø   Rememember you should be answering questions such as Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? 
Ø  Combine the main ideas together in your own words. Relative pronouns will be useful.As well as some linkers.
Ø  Do not include your own opinion or add extra information.
Ø  Keep your summary short. It will depend on the length of the original text though. No more than one third of length (1/3)
Ø  The text should flow when you read it aloud.
Ø  You can start your summary with sentences such as: The text is about…. The text deals with…
Ø  If you are writing the summary of an article, do not forget to mention the author. “In the article “….” by  “…” we learn/ the author shows…/informs…/declares…/states…/
Ø  Check grammar, punctuation, spelling.

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