Tech giants Apple and Facebook are offering to
help women employees put off pregnancy later in life by having their eggs
Facebook has
been offering the service for its employees in the US since the start of this
year and Apple will follow suit from January 2015.
Apple will
pay both full and part time employees up to $20,000, that's around £12,500 for
the procedure, and storage costs for female eggs.
The company
said in a statement they want to empower their female employees to do the best
work of their lives, as they care for loved ones and raise families. And
fertility doctors agree this is the right thing to do.
“So egg
freezing offers the opportunity to delay fertility until later in life
and benefit from a younger egg. They learn about their fertility. I think
that's one of the most important benefits. Even just talking to the doctor
about it probably allows them to understand their fertility better. It's not
dangerous, it doesn't affect future fertility, but the cost is high. So, if one
lowers or eliminates that one barrier, I think we have a very
positive track forward.”
But others
have suggested the companies should instead focus on offering more flexibility
and support for new parents.
words: tech giant (a huge technology company), put off (to do
something later), egg (this is part of the fetus before it becomes a
baby), to follow suit (to do the same things) fertility (ability
to have babies), eliminate (remove), barrier (wall).