Repasar as unidades e textos  do libro.
Ø  Voltar a facer todos os exercicios do libro e repaso ó final das unidades.
Ø  Repasar toda a traducción da libreta. 
Na marxe dereita podes ver links cos que mellorar o teu inglés como:
Duolingo, the big challenge, 
e moitas outras na web como


You need to improve  at least  translation and writing.
Write essays every week. One per week. The following 10 topics  are some options, you can choose others.

1.                  What are the arguments for and against horoscopes?
2.                  A story about a disastrous journey/ a robbery/ and adventure.
3.                  How would your life be if you were a celebrity?
4.         What are  the arguments for and against  hitchhiking?

5.         The last film you saw. Review

6.         The last book you read. Summary, opinion recommendation.

7.         Western society places too much empphasis on people’s appearance. Do you agree or disagree. Give your reasons.

8.         A summary/description of the best week of the summer.

1.         Estaba a ver a televisión cando chegaron os meus pais.
2.         Mentres a miña irmá estaba de compras, chamouna o seu mozo.
3.         meu amigo abrazoume cando rematamos o último exame.
4.         A miña nai berrou cando viu o meu novo corte de pelo.
5.         Estaban a ver unha película romántica cando empezou a chover.
6.         Esa pequena vila é realmente tranquila.
7.         Cando estaban pescando viron unha quenlla. Non é habitual nesta zona.
8.          Non me gusta a xente intolerante.
9.         Acabo de coñecer á moza do meu irmán. É unha rapaza moi madura.
10.    Estiveches algunha vez en Nova York?
11.   Os meus amigos aínda non deixaron o apartamento, son moi irresponsables.
12.    Teño 16 anos, acabo de rematar a escola.
13.    Xa mercaron algo de comida chinesa.
14.    Son as dez da mañá e Laura aínda non espertou. Non é nada formal.
15.   Se non queres queimarte co sol, tes que empregar crema protectora.
16.   É un rapaz moi maduro, pode coidar de si mesmo.
17.   Se non es alérxico, non fai falla que tomes ningunha medicina en primavera.
18.   O meu pai non podía camiñar despois de correr o maratón.
19.   Moita xente xorda ou cega ten cans especiais que poden guiala.
20.   Este podería ser o último partido de Beckham en España.
21.   Pode que Jane no estea na casa á hora da cea.
22.    Se non queres queimarte co sol, tes que empregar crema protectora.
23.   É un rapaz moi maduro, pode coidar de si mesmo.
24.    Se non es alérxico, non fai falla que tomes ningunha medicina en primavera.
25.   O meu pai non podía camiñar despois de correr o maratón.
26.    Moita xente xorda ou cega ten cans especiais que poden guiala.
27.   Este podería ser o último partido de Beckham en España.
28.    Pode que Jane no estea na casa á hora da cea.
29.    Esa canción póñena moi a miúdo na radio.
30.    O novo CD de Eminem sairá pronto á venda.
31.     Á miña irmá convidárona a un concerto de música country.
32.   Por que prohibiron aquela canción nos Estados Unidos?
33.    Con que frecuencia actualízanse as listas de éxitos?
34.   Hoxe en día mércase moita música a través da rede.
35.   No verán organízanse moitos festivais de música independente.
36.     Odio ter que falar con xente hipócrita.
37.   A Ana gustaríalle ter un mozo menos excéntrico.
38.   Encántame o señor Smith. É tan bo profesor!
39.   Tiven unha discusión con meu veciño. Que estúpido é!
40.   Poreime moi contento se aprobo os exames.
41.   Se John se namorara de min, viviríamos felices para sempre.
42.   Se saíra con alguén, nunca lle mentiría.
43.   Samuel viviu cos seus pais ata que o enviaron a un orfanato.
44.   Antes de que se creara UNICEF xa rematara a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
45.   Moitos refuxiados falecerían se a Cruz Vermella non os protexera.
46.   Se a nai Teresa non traballara na India, habería máis xente vivindo na pobreza.
47.   Despois de que o Prestige afundira, moita xente colaborou como voluntaria en Galicia.
48.   Se o pai de Senait Mehari fora rico, ela non tería que quedar nun campamento.
49.   Se levase gorra, non sufriría unha insolación.
50.     O meu amigo quería saber se eu sabía contar chistes.
51.   O profesor pediu aos alumnos que traballasen en grupos.
52.   Jane convidoume a ir ao cinema coas súas amigas.
53.   O meu adestrador persoal díxome que charlara cos meus pais.
54.   Ángela preguntoume se Sarah dixera a verdade.
55.   A súa irmá dixo que ía cambiar de nome.
56.   Justin Timberlake recoñeceu que saíra con Britney Spears.
57.   A xente que tiña coche puido marchar da cidade antes de que a auga entrara.
58.   Chegaron a unha hora na que todos estaban fóra.
59.   O noso cuñado Pepe, que vive en Londres, vai vir visitarnos o próximo mes. Así que en catro semanas estará ceando con nos e contándonos todas as novas.
60.   Comín a empanada de pulpo  máis sabrosa da miña vida. Quen a cociñou? Eu. Estou moi orgullosa de min mesma.
61.   O vestido que mercou a miña amiga é de Gucci. Debe ter pagado unha fortuna. Non, só 45 €.  Atopouno nas rebaixas do Corte Inglés.
62.   Recórdame que escoite algo en inglés todos os días. É a mellor forma de aprender.
63.   “En marzo terei aprendido todos os verbos irregulares” prometeuse a si mesmo unha vez máis. A profesora tampouco o creu esta vez.
64.   Na parte de atrás da foto facilmente recoñecerás unha das catedrais máis famosas de Francia.
65.   Hoxe en día as persoas son máis altas que hai uns anos e viven máis tempo. Según o ministro de economía xaponés isto é un grave problema. 
66.   Está claro que é unha persoa moi optimista sobre o futuro. Acaba de supender un feixe delas (=un montón de asignaturas) e segue a dicir que o ano que ven estará a estudar na “London School of Economics”.

67.   Por que  estás tan morena? Porque acabo de voltar de vacacións de México.
68.   Sempre podo contar cos meus irmáns cando  teño problemas.
69.   Non rematara de facer as maletas cando escoitou o taxi.
70.   O mesmo taxista solía recollelo cada vez que viaxaba.
71.   Estaba acostumada  a solucionar os problemas por si mesma. Non  necesitaba a ninguén esta vez tampouco.
72.   Non me importa ir de camping cos teus amigos pero  preferiría ir a un bo hotel.
73.   Tan pronto como puidemos, escapamos das montañas. Non soporto o frío nin esquiar.

74.   Pintou a habitación de gris. Como eran poucos metros non pagou moito.
75.   O novo CD de Bruno Mars, que foi gravado en N. Y, sairá pronto á venda,
76.   Á miña irmá convidárona a un concerto de música country pero detesta esta música, rechazou a proposta.
77.   Por que prohibiron aquela serie no Reino Unido? Porque protestaba contra a raiña.
78.   Hoxe en día descárgase moita música e películas a través da rede neste país, o que noutros se considera un crime grave.
79.   Esa telenovela lévana pondo na TV  durante máis de 20 anos.
80.   No verán organizarase un festival de música folk en Moaña. Claro, todo o mundo o sabe.
81.   O médico díxonos que seguiramos un dieta equilibrada, que  debía incluir verduras e peixe.
82.   A profe de inglés suxeriulle que escoitase música éque vira películas en inglés.
83.   director mandounos que chegaran a tempo a 1ª hora. Sempre chegaban tarde.
84.   Preguntámonos se temos que facturar o ordenador. Non, debes lévalo na equipaxe de man.
85.   Cando deixache de comer carne pouco feita? Despois de ver a película “Raw” .
86.   As entradas para o partido que merquei en internet non foron caras.
87.   María pediulle que estirara os músculos pero iso era un reto xa que estaba agotada.
88.   Acabamos de ver un concierto en directo. Ya hemos salido del recinto (venue).

89.   ¿Cuánto hace que conoces a tu mejor amigo? Lo conozco desde hace 5 años.

90.   No hace falta que limpies la casa ahora. Puedes hacerlo más tarde.

91.   Podrá hablar alemán perfectamente después de vivir en Berlín durante un año.

92.   No viajamos en avión desde que el avión ruso se vino abajo en Sinai.

93.   1.Cres que a persoa á dereita saltará? Mira á súa cara!. Está aterrorizada. Parece que é a primeira vez que o intenta.

94.   A paisaxe era sobrecolledora. Fixemos sendeirismo toda a semana. Todo o mundo estivo de acordo que fora unha experiencia inolvidable.

95.   Cando teña 25 terei atopado un gran traballo. Pero por agora terei que seguir estudando 6 anos máis.

96.   Coñecín a miña mellor amiga  hai oito anos. Non deixei de vela todos os meses.
97.    Ten moita sorte, non ten que traballar os sábados, así que pode disfrutar facendo o que lle gusta.
98.   Perdeu as chaves o venres e aínda non as atopou.
99.   Era tímida e insegura cando era unha adolescente pero teño cambiado moito nos últimos anos.

100.                                 Leva nas rúas dous meses, roubando comida e mendigando cartos.
101.                                 ¿Pasachelo ben na obra? Sí, e entendín ós actores aínda que falaban francés.
102.                                 Abrazábanse no café cando o fotógrafo tivo a brillante idea que o faría famoso
103.                                 Mirábanos fixamente, non podíamos entender que pasaba.
104.                                   Sacou unha foto conmovedora que recaudou un montón de cartos para MSF
105.                                 Acaba de decidir vestir o vestido máis elegante para asistir á festa.
106.                                 Que cres que farás cando remates a secundaria?
107.                                 No ano 2020 serei rico e poderei mercar un jet privado.
108.                                 A próxima semana teño exames e por iso non vou ver aos meus  amigos na fin  de semana.

109.                                  Espero que o meu equipo gañe a liga.
110.                                  Date présa, a poxa sempre empeza ás nove e media.
111.                                 Acábaseme de estragar o coche. Collerei prestado o do meu pai.

112.                                 Acabo de voltar dun curso de espeleoloxía. Pasei a fin de semana arrastrándome por unha cova escura e húmida.  Aínda non o decidín pero pode  que o deixe.

Modals Bach 

1.-I may meet her tonight. -Will you be able to talk to her?
2. We should remind the authorities/the government there are too many refugees waiting for help. People in B did it yesterday.
3. -You don't have to /needn't come to see me everyday. - I should have known he was not telling the truth.
4. It seems he has passed the maths test. He must have studied for weeks as he didn't understand anything.
5.We might invite them to stay although we don't have spare beds.

Translate. Unit 3 Trends 
1.Cres que a persoa á dereita saltará? Mira á súa cara!. Está aterrorizada. Parece que é a primeira vez que o intenta.

2. A paisaxe era sobrecolledora. Fixemos sendeirismo toda a semana. Todo o mundo estivo de acordo que fora unha experiencia inolvidable.

Everybody agreed that it was an unforgetable experience.

3. Cando teña 25 terei atopado un gran traballo. Pero por agora terei que seguir estudando 6 anos máis.
When I am 25 I will have found a great job. But by the time being I will have to keep on studying for 6 more years.

4. Acabo de voltar dun curso de espeleoloxía. Pasei a fin de semana arrastrándome por unha cova escura e húmida. Aínda non o decidín pero pode  que o deixe.

I have just come back from a caving course. I spent last weekend crawling in a dark, wet cave.  I haven't decided yet but I may give up the activity.

1   Write a suitable response for each sentence using the words below. Make any necessary changes.
There may be more than one possible answer. 

       1.    Does Alex visit his aunt in France?
              He / be / to see her several times since she / move.
       2.    You look tired.
              I / not know / why. I / sleep / very well last night.
       3.    When did dinner start?
              I’m not sure. By the time I / get / here / people / already / begin eating.
       4.    Why are you late?
              I / not pay attention / on the bus and I / miss the stop.
       5.    What time is the news on?
              It / start / now. You / want / to watch it with me?


There are two ways of reporting what a person says:

    A. DIRECT SPEECH :   He said, " I´m going home." 
                                              " I´m going home.", he said.
    B. INDIRECT SPEECH :   He says he is going home.                     
                                                 He said he was going home.

1. Reported statements with no change of tense.

    When the main verb of the sentence if present, present perfect or future there is
no change of tense in the reported statement.

                       " I´m not going. "                           He says he isn´t going.
                                                                              He´ll say he isn´t going.
                                                                              He´s said he isn´t going.

"That" can be used after the main verb. The use of "that" is optional.
                     He says (that) he isn´t going.

2. Reported statements with a change of tense.

    When the main verb of the sentence is in the past tense, the tense in the reported statement is changed.  

                    " I´m not going."                           He said (that) he wasn´t going.

Direct Speech
Reported Speech
present simple
“I like ice cream”
She said (that) she liked ice cream.
present continuous
“I am living in London”
She said she was living in London.
past simple
“I bought a car”
She said she had bought a car OR She said she bought a car.
past continuous
“I was walking along the street”
She said she had been walking along the street.
present perfect
“I haven't seen Julie”
She said she hadn't seen Julie.
past perfect*
“I had taken English lessons before”
She said she had taken English lessons before.
“I'll see you later”
She said she would see me later.
“I would help, but..”
She said she would help but...
“I can speak perfect English”
She said she could speak perfect English.
“I could swim when I was four”
She said she could swim when she was four.
“I shall come later”
She said she would come later.
“I should call my mother”
She said she should call her mother
"I might be late"
She said she might be late
"I must study at the weekend"
She said she must study at the weekend OR She said she had to study at the weekend
* doesn't change
3. Other changes.

the next day/ the following day
the day before
           this morning
that morning
that day
that night
           next / on Tuesday
the following Tuesday
           last Tuesday
the previous Tuesday
           the day after tomorrow
in two days´ time
before / previously
           this / that

4. Wh-Questions

                                  " Where is Tom ?", Peter asked me.
                                  " Where do you live?", Sam asked.              

                    Subject + ASK + ( me / him / Tom...) + Wh-word + subject + Verb

                     Peter       asked          me                        where         Tom         was .
                     Sam        asked                                        where           I              lived.

5. If / Whether Questions.

                                        " Are you angry?", he asked me.               
                                        " Did you see the film?", she asked.

  Subject + ASK + ( me / him / Tom...) + If / Whether + subject + Verb

    He           asked            me                    if                         I                was    angry.
    She         asked                                    whether               I                had seen ...

6. Commands.
                               " Stop!", he told the children.
                               " Don´t  make noise!", she told us.

 Subject + tell / order / warn / command + me / him / Tom.. + ( NOT ) TO-INF.

  He                         told                                 the children                        to stop.
  She                       told                                     us                           not    to make...

7. Verbs used in reporting.

    It is not always necessary to report all the words a person says; some verbs are used to provide a summary instead.

                                 " Oh, dear! I´m terribly sorry I´m late.", she said.
                                  She apologized for being late.

          * advise / invite / offer / promise / refuse / remind / warn + TO-INF.
          * apologize for / insist on / suggest + V-ING.
          * agree / announce / boast / claim / concede + Indirect Speech.

1. Rewrite these sentences, choosing the correct verb. In some cases the verb
    may replace part of the sentence. Use each verb one only.

    1. "We´re going to get married in June.", he said.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    2. " Don´t go near that dog!", he told her.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    3. ( After the meal ) " Please don´t argue. I´m going to pay.",
        She ____________________________________________________.
    4. " I´m sorry I didn´t write.", he said.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    5. " Would you like to come round for dinner on Friday evening?",he asked them.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    6. " I think you should give up smoking.", the doctor said to her.
        The doctor _______________________________________________.
    7. " Alright, yes, I was wrong and you were right.", he said.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    8. " Yes, I´ll write every week.", she said.
        She _____________________________________________________.
    9. " Shall I carry that suitcase for you?", she said.
        She _____________________________________________________.
  10. " How about going to the theatre on Saturday?", he said.
        He ______________________________________________________.
  11. " The newspaper report is not true.", said the Prime Minister.
        The Prime Minister __________________________________________.
  12. " Don´t forget to post that letter.", she said to him.
        She _____________________________________________________.
  13. " Yes, it was a difficult exam.", the teacher said.
        The teacher _______________________________________________.
  14. " No, I won´t give you a pay rise.", the manager told her.
        The manager ______________________________________________.
  15. " My parents have got three cars.", he said.
        He ______________________________________________________.


        1. She asked him, "Where did you go yesterday?"
            She ____________________________________________________.
        2. "Don´t smoke in here.", she said.
            She ____________________________________________________.
        3. The teacher said, "The course will begin tomorrow."
            The teacher ______________________________________________.
        4. The teacher asked me, "Why didn´t you study yesterday?"
             The teacher ______________________________________________.
        5. He said, "I won´t help you if you don´t give me the money."
            He said _________________________________________________.
        6. The teacher told me, "Pay attention and don´t talk."
            The teacher ______________________________________________.
        7. "Will be all right next month?", his mother asked the doctor.
            His mother _______________________________________________.
        8. "Tom had an accident last week", Sheila said.
            Sheila said ______________________________________________.
        9. I told him: " I will telephone you tomorrow."
            I told him ________________________________________________.
     10. She asked: " Who is the girl on your left?"
            She asked me ___________________________________________.
     11. She told: " Don´t be afraid."
            She told us ______________________________________________.

      12. She asked: " Can you drive?"
             She asked the man _______________________________________.
      13. He asked: " Where have you been?"
            He asked _______________________________________________.
      14. He said, " I saw him yesterday."
            He said _________________________________________________.   
      15.They told me, " Your holidays will begin tomorrow."
            They told me _____________________________________________.
      16. She said, " I´m going to bed now because I´m tired."
             She said ________________________________________________.
      17. He says, " I don´t like waiting for the bus. "
             He says _________________________________________________.
      18. He told us, " Don´t smoke here. "
             He told us _______________________________________________.
      19. Tom said, "The telephone is ringing and I can´t answer it. "
            Tom said ________________________________________________.
      20. She asked, " Where did you go yesterday?"
             She asked me ____________________________________________.
      21. He asked Susan, " Have you ever been to New York?"
            He asked ________________________________________________
      22. They asked me, " Where do you live? "
             They ____________________________________________________.
      23. She asked him, " Do you work in the afternoon? "
            She _____________________________________________________.
      24. "How much does it cost to park here?", he asked.
             He wanted to know _________________________________________.
      25. "Shut the door but don´t lock it.", she told us.
             She ____________________________________________________.
      26. "Which clothes do I have to wear at the wedding?", the woman asked.
             The woman ______________________________________________.
      27. "Tom had an accident last week but he wasn´t injured.", Sheila said.
            Sheila ___________________________________________________.
      28. "I won´t be late tomorrow.", the child told his parents.
             The child ________________________________________________.
      29. "I must go out to post this letter.", Peter said.
             Peter __________________________________________________.
      30. "Will he be all right next month?", his mother asked the doctor.
             His mother _________________________________________________.

1. Rewrite these sentences, choosing the correct verb. In some cases the verb
    may replace part of the sentence. Use each verb one only.

    1. "We´re going to get married in June.", he said.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    2. " Don´t go near that dog!", he told her.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    3. ( After the meal ) " Please don´t argue. I´m going to pay.",
        She ____________________________________________________.
    4. " I´m sorry I didn´t write.", he said.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    5. " Would you like to come round for dinner on Friday evening?",he asked them.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    6. " I think you should give up smoking.", the doctor said to her.
        The doctor _______________________________________________.
    7. " Alright, yes, I was wrong and you were right.", he said.
        He _____________________________________________________.
    8. " Yes, I´ll write every week.", she said.
        She _____________________________________________________.
    9. " Shall I carry that suitcase for you?", she said.
        She _____________________________________________________.
  10. " How about going to the theatre on Saturday?", he said.
        He ______________________________________________________.
  11. " The newspaper report is not true.", said the Prime Minister.
        The Prime Minister __________________________________________.
  12. " Don´t forget to post that letter.", she said to him.
        She _____________________________________________________.
  13. " Yes, it was a difficult exam.", the teacher said.
        The teacher _______________________________________________.
  14. " No, I won´t give you a pay rise.", the manager told her.
        The manager ______________________________________________.
  15. " My parents have got three cars.", he said.
        He ______________________________________________________.


        1. She asked him, "Where did you go yesterday?"
            She ____________________________________________________.
        2. "Don´t smoke in here.", she said.
            She ____________________________________________________.
        3. The teacher said, "The course will begin tomorrow."
            The teacher ______________________________________________.
        4. The teacher asked me, "Why didn´t you study yesterday?"
             The teacher ______________________________________________.
        5. He said, "I won´t help you if you don´t give me the money."
            He said _________________________________________________.
        6. The teacher told me, "Pay attention and don´t talk."
            The teacher ______________________________________________.
        7. "Will be all right next month?", his mother asked the doctor.
            His mother _______________________________________________.
        8. "Tom had an accident last week", Sheila said.
            Sheila said ______________________________________________.
        9. I told him: " I will telephone you tomorrow."
            I told him ________________________________________________.
     10. She asked: " Who is the girl on your left?"
            She asked me ___________________________________________.
     11. She told: " Don´t be afraid."
            She told us ______________________________________________.

      12. She asked: " Can you drive?"
             She asked the man _______________________________________.
      13. He asked: " Where have you been?"
            He asked _______________________________________________.
      14. He said, " I saw him yesterday."
            He said _________________________________________________.   
      15.They told me, " Your holidays will begin tomorrow."
            They told me _____________________________________________.
      16. She said, " I´m going to bed now because I´m tired."
             She said ________________________________________________.
      17. He says, " I don´t like waiting for the bus. "
             He says _________________________________________________.
      18. He told us, " Don´t smoke here. "
             He told us _______________________________________________.
      19. Tom said, "The telephone is ringing and I can´t answer it. "
            Tom said ________________________________________________.
      20. She asked, " Where did you go yesterday?"
             She asked me ____________________________________________.
      21. He asked Susan, " Have you ever been to New York?"
            He asked ________________________________________________
      22. They asked me, " Where do you live? "
             They ____________________________________________________.
      23. She asked him, " Do you work in the afternoon? "
            She _____________________________________________________.
      24. "How much does it cost to park here?", he asked.
             He wanted to know _________________________________________.
      25. "Shut the door but don´t lock it.", she told us.
             She ____________________________________________________.
      26. "Which clothes do I have to wear at the wedding?", the woman asked.
             The woman ______________________________________________.
      27. "Tom had an accident last week but he wasn´t injured.", Sheila said.
            Sheila ___________________________________________________.
      28. "I won´t be late tomorrow.", the child told his parents.
             The child ________________________________________________.
      29. "I must go out to post this letter.", Peter said.
             Peter __________________________________________________.
      30. "Will he be all right next month?", his mother asked the doctor.
             His mother _________________________________________________.

Rachel, just for you!

(Conditional sentences)
1. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away.
- If __________________________________________________

2. He doesn’t speak very clearly – that’s why people don’t understand him.
- If _________________________________________________.
3. David is tired, so he can’t score any goal.
- If ________________________ ___________________________.
4. That book is too expensive, so I' m not going to buy it.
- If ___________________________________________________.
5. We don’t go out very often because we can’t afford it.
- If ___________________________________________________.
6. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch in the garden.
- If ___________________________________________________.
7. I have to work tomorrow morning, so I can’t meet you.
- If ___________________________________________________.
8. I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anything.
- If __________________________________________________.
9. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.
- If ________________________ __________________________.
10. I didn’t know that George had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him up.
- If _________________________________________________.
11. The orphans were ill treated and half starved; therefore they were very unhappy.
- If ___________________________________________________.
12. I was able to buy a car only because Jim lent me the money.
- If ___________________________________________________.
13. Margaret wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat bell.
- If __________________________________________________.
14. You didn’t have any breakfast – that’s why you’re hungry now.
- If ______________________________________________.
15. I didn’t get a taxi because I haven’t got any money on me.
- If _______________________________________________.
16. Do these exercises carefully or you’ll get bad marks.
- Unless __________________________________________.
17. Write your paper more carefully or the teacher can’t read it.
- If _________________________________________________.
18. Behave yourself or everyone will dislike you.
- Unless ______________________________________________.
19. I won’t help you if you don’t try your best.
- Unless ______________________________________________.
20. We’ll come to the meeting if we aren’t busy.
- Unless ______________________________________________.
21. Unless we have time, we won’t attend the party.
- If ___________________________________________________.
22. If she doesn’t come on time, we’ll go without her.
- Unless ______________________________________________.

"QUEEN" by Pablo&Yaiza:

"THE BEATLES" by David García:

"GREENWICH" by David Gómez:

"CHARLES DICKENS" by Lorena Giráldez

"WIMBLEDON" by Joel Fontenla


"ROWING" by Iris Romero & Tatiana González:

"History of London" by Noelia Fernández

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