4º D 14/15



1 Marcos and Yasmina

+Hi, welcome to our restaurant.
- I have a booking for 1 person.
+ Your surname please?
- My surname  is garcia rial and my name is Yasmina.
+ Come with me please, this is your table, with the best sea views.
- Thanks, can I have the menu, please?
+Yes. I will be right back

+ Would you like to order your food?
- Yes, I will have a salad without tomato.
+ Would you like to drink anything?
- I would like to test the "Paco Y Lola" wine?
+ OK, madame. The day special is chicken, potato with a special  sauce
- Ok, I'll have that, please.
+ OK, I will be right back
- I would like to see the dessert menu.
+ OK we can offer a delicious pudding today
- Ok I will order that
+ Was everything OK?
- Everething was delicious. Could i have the bill?
- Can I pay with credit card?
+ yes, Of course

2 Uxia, Tania and Laura

Uxia: Have you booked a table?
Tania:  No, Do you have a table free for two?
Uxia: Yes, follow me please
Tania&Laura: OK!
Laura: Could we see the menu, please?
Uxia: Yes, right now. Here it is.
Tania: Thank you. What you recommend us for dinner?
Uxia:  I'd recommend fish and chips.
Tania: Ok, I love it.
Laura: Yes, I agree.  How long will that take?
Uxia: In 15 minutes will be ready.
Laura: Ok,  That's fine.

~10 minutes later ~

Uxia: Can I get you any drinks?
Tania: Water for me please.
Laura: And Ice tea for me.
Uxia: Great! Now.

~5 minutes later ~

Laura: Waitress, we have been waiting for a long time...
Tania: Will our drinks be long?
Uxia: No, I'll bring them right now.
Tania: OK.
~after eating ~
Laura: The bill, please.
Tania: Let's go dutch
Uxia: Yes, it is 50€ each.
Tania&Laura: Here you go.
Uxia: Thanks!!
Laura: Keep the change.

 I wish y If only

I wish y If only son estructuras que se usan en inglés para expresar deseos. Ambas significan lo mismo "ojalá que" si bien el uso de I wish es más común. A continuación veremos cuándo utilizar cada una de ellas. Después podréis hacer un ejercicio para practicar. 

1. I wish / if only + sujeto + WOULD + infinitivo sin to 

Esta estructura se usa cuando deseamos que:

- algo ocurra o una situación cambie.
I wish the train would arrive (ojalá llegue el tren)
If only it would stop snowing (ojalá deje de nevar)
-alguien haga algo o cambie algo que nos molesta (y que esa persona no tiene intención de cambiar)
I wish the neighbours would stop making so much noise (ojalá los vecinos dejen de hacer tanto ruido)
I wish you wouldn't leave your room so untidy (ojalá no dejes tu habitación tan desordenada)
I wish you would stop smoking (ojalá dejes de fumar) 

→ El uso de esta estructura tiene un matiz de futuro. 
→ La usamos para hablar de acciones son habituales.

No es común utilizar I wish I would puesto que si algo nos molesta y depende de nosotros, podemos cambiarlo. 
I wish I would go homo now (ojalá me fuera a casa) →  no tendría sentido quejarnos por esta situación porque está en nuestra mano realizar la acción de irnos a casa.

2. I wish / if only + sujeto + verbo en PASADO SIMPLE 
Usamos esta estructura para quejarnos o lamentarnos de una situación PRESENTE por no ser ésta como nosotros queremos que sea. 

If only I could swim (ojalá supiera nadar) 
(but I can't swim) (pero no puedo nadar) 

I wish I knew the answer (ojalá supiera la respuesta) 
(but I don't know the answer) (pero no sé la respuesta) 

I wish we had lots of money (ojalá tuvieramos mucho dinero) 
(but we haven't got lots of money) (pero no tenemos mucho dinero)

→ Como veis escribimos pasado simple pero se traduce como un subjuntivo y hace referencia al presente. 
→ Podemos user were en lugar de was con I, he, she, it

I wish I were famous = I wish I was famous (ojalá fuera famoso) 
= (but I am not famous) (pero no soy famoso)
I wish the weather weren't rainy = I wish the weather wasn't rainy (ojalá no lloviera) 
= (but it is rainy) (pero llueve)

3. I wish / if only + sujeto + verbo en PASADO PERFECTO 
Usamos esta estructura cuando queremos lamentarnos o expresar un deseo sobre una situación o acción del pasado. Es como el condicional de tercer tipo, nos lamentamos de situaciones respecto a las cuales no podemos hacer nada. 

I wish I had passed all my exams (ojalá hubiera aprobado todos mis exámenes) 
(but I didn't pass) (pero no los aprobé)
I wish I had been able to buy tickets for that concert (ojalá hubiera podido comprar entradas para ese concierto) 
(but I couldn't) (pero no pude)

If only he had told me the truth (ojalá me hubiera dicho la verdad
(but he didn't tell me the truth ) (pero no me dijo la verdad)

I wish I hadn't met him (ojalá no lo hubiera conocido) 
(but I met him) (pero lo conocí)

I wish puede sustituirse con otros sujetos. En estos casos podemos optar por traducciones como "lamentar" o "desear". 
He wishes he were famous (él lamenta no ser famoso) (él desería ser famoso) 
She wishes she had haver met him (ella lamenta haberlo conocido) (ella desearía no haberle conocido)

They wish you would stop smoking (ellos desean que dejes de fumar) 

I wish y If only son estructuras que se usan en inglés para expresar deseos. Ambas significan lo mismo "ojalá que" si bien el uso de I wish es más común. A continuación veremos cuándo utilizar cada una de ellas. Después podréis hacer un ejercicio para practicar. 

Last week the international day of the kiss was organized  so in our class we are going to talk about how we show our love.

How do yo show love – laura , Tania , Yassmina ,Marcos ,Eva

-Marcos – giving presents such as Teddy bears or flowers
-Tania -  Saying I Love you and helping people
-Uxia – Hugging and kissing
-Laura – Preparing a special dinner
-Eva-I don’t usually show it but I am really good at listening to people when they have problems. 
-Sara – Kissing
-Paula: meeting people I care about 
           · Standing  by people
-Yassmina - Making a cd of love songs
-Paula - Reminding they are important to me.
- Eva - Giving them advice so they know they are important to me and I care about .
-Laura – Cooking their favourite food/something special
- Marcos - Making time for them no matter how busy I am
- Laura - Supporting them during hard times
-Tania - Making their life easier
-Paula - Just being there
-Sara - Writing love letters
-Uxia - Havinga romantic dinner by candlelight
-Laura -Whispering something nice into the other's ear

MUSIC – this is how we stand-mirva (Jamendo)
              -  What is love / Melanie Ungar

YEAR 14/15

Despicable Me 2: Simple Past

I. Before watching the segment, complete the paragraph below with the simple past form of the given verbs.


Gru was anxious about his date on the following day. He was happy, very happy. The alarm clock _________ at 8:30 am. He ____________ of bed and ____________ a shower with his toy ducks. Then he  _________ his teeth, ______________ pancakes for breakfast, and _____________ real ducks cross the street. He happily ______________ the mall escalator. In the park, he  _____________ a Frisbee and  _____________ some tai-chi-chan. He also _____________ the drums with a few tin cans. Then he ___________ a flower to a young man for him to hand to a girl sitting next to him. 

despicable-me 2

 Making a plan for the weekend. Lorena Souto and Caroline Santos.